Any person desiring to drill a well for oil or gas within the corporate limits of the Village shall make application for a permit to the Village Clerk by 5:00 p. m. of the Friday prior to any regular meeting of Council. All requests for permits must be complete at that time. A fee of one thousand dollars ($1, 000) shall be paid to the Clerk at the time such application is filed. Such fee is for the purpose of defraying the expenses of administration and enforcement of regulatory ordinances concerning drilling oil or gas wells within the corporate limits of the Village and for defraying the expenses of inspecting oil or gas well sites prior to and during drilling, during production, and at the time the wells are pulled and plugged. No refund of any part of a permit fee shall be made to any permit holder for a dry hole or for failure to exercise the privilege to drill upon the site covered by such permit.
(Ord. 623. Passed 3-2-64.)