(a) Overtime: All full-time employees shall be eligible for approved overtime pay at one and one-half their regular rate for hours worked in excess of forty hours per week.
(b) Compensatory Time:
(1) Compensatory time off is earned by non-exempt employees. Compensatory time is earned at a rate of one and one-half hours for each overtime hour worked. Non-exempt employees have the option to use compensatory time off in place of paid overtime. Exempt employees may earn compensatory time at a rate of one hour for each hour worked over forty hours in a work week.
(2) Under no circumstances may compensatory time be accrued in excess of 160 hours for employees.
(3) As with overtime, all compensatory time must be authorized in advance by your supervisor and/or department head. An employee who desires to work more than forty hours in any calendar week must have the compensatory time (overtime) work approved in advance by their supervisor or department head, unless in an emergency situation when no supervisor or department head is available to authorize the compensatory time (overtime) work.
(4) All compensatory time (overtime) must be reflected on the employee time sheet. Failure to do so may result in loss of compensatory time (overtime). Compensatory time is not available for use until it appears on the employee's earning statement and the compensation described in the earning statement is available to the employee.
(5) The supervisor or department head shall be responsible for monitoring compensatory time (overtime) work, and for documenting and/or assuring that all compensatory time (overtime) worked is documented on the employee time sheet.
(6) An employee may use earned compensatory time at a time mutually convenient to the employee and their supervisor.
(7) The use of compensatory time shall not be considered to be hours worked for the purposes of earning and/or computing overtime or compensatory time.
(8) Use of compensatory time will be charged in one-half hour increments. Maximum amount to be used at one time will be sixteen hours for all departments with the exception of the Police Department which will be at the Police Chiefs' discretion.
(9) An employee shall be paid for compensatory time earned which has not been used upon separation with the exception of exempt employees.
(Ord. 1465. Passed 12-17-01; Ord. 1476. Passed 6-3-02; Ord. 1573. Passed 3-19-07; Ord. 1887. Passed 9-6-22.)