(a)   It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to supervise and direct the operation of the Combined Fire Department.
   (b)   The Fire Chief will report to the Mayor. In addition, he or she will provide a report of the Fire Department activities to the Village Council at least once per month.
      (1)   The Fire Chief will be the executive officer of the firefighters under the he or she shall be responsible for stationing, transferring, and assigning officers and making recommendations to the Mayor for employment and discharge of Fire Department personnel. He or she will also maintain Department records, schedule, and set up training programs, supervise the budget and supervise the checking and maintenance of equipment. Employee personnel records shall be maintained by the Village Fiscal Officer in the Village office, 72 W High St., Mt. Gilead.
      (2)   The Fire Chief or his or her designee shall establish all rules and regulations of the Emergency Medical Services, based upon approval by the Mt. Gilead Village Council. The Fire Chief or his or her designee shall report monthly to the safety committee of the Mt. Gilead Village Council.
      (3)   The Fire Chief or his designee shall function as the director of the North Central Ohio Fire Training Academy. He or she or his or her designee shall supervise the budget, the establishing of schedules and appointing instructors. He or she or his or her designee shall see that payroll and other financial obligations are met through the Mt. Gilead Fiscal Officer.
(Ord. 1052. Passed 10-25-85; Ord. 1532. Passed 6-6-05; Ord. 1839. Passed 2-1-21; Ord. 1956. Passed 4-1-24.)