A.   Number of Planning and Zoning Commissioners: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of not less than five (5) nor more than eleven (11) members, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the council. Members shall be selected without respect to political affiliation.
   B.   Planning and Zoning Commission membership requirements:
      1.   An appointed member of the commission must have resided in the City of Mountain Home, Mountain Home's Area of Impact, or Elmore County for at least two (2) years before their appointment pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6504(a).
      2.   Not more than one-third (1/3) of such membership may be ex officio members by virtue of public office or position held in the City.
      3.   At least one member shall be an Elmore County resident living outside the City, within the adopted Area of Impact, pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6526(g).
      4.   A single member may be an Elmore County resident living outside the City, outside the adopted Area of Impact, representing Elmore County at large.
      5.   The majority of commission members shall be residents of the City of Mountain Home and not be ex officio members by virtue of public office or position held in the City.
   C.   Planning and Zoning Commission Term of Office: The term of office for Planning and Zoning Commissioners shall be four (4) years.
   D.   Commission Compensation: Planning and Zoning Commissioners shall be paid sixty dollars ($60.00) per diem for each regular monthly meeting that they attend. In addition to the payment of sixty dollars ($60.00) for each meeting attended, members traveling outside Elmore County on official planning and zoning commission business shall receive, if requested, receive such mileage and per diem compensation as may, from time to time, be determined by the council. (Ord. 1734, 1-24-2022)