Users of computer systems and networks at the City of Moundsville must read, understand, agree to comply with, and sign the City of Moundsville Computer Ethics and Use Policy agreement form. A significant number of computers are connected to the City's network. To protect the City's network, users have responsibility for proper use and care of the City's electronic systems. (Ord. 3/6/12)
   (a)   Computer Systems Administrator. The City Manager or such person as from time to time may be appointed by the City Manager, shall serve as the Computer Systems Administrator for the City of Moundsville. Any computer system concerns shall be addressed to the Computer Systems Administrator.
   (b)   Computer Use, Internet Access, and E-Mail Policy. Access to the Internet is established for the express use of City personnel to enhance their ability to develop, design, and implement improved methods for delivering City information and services to the public. It is intended to encourage and promote improved use of technology and information services for government. The following general policies are to be observed by all persons using the City's Internet access capability: (Ord. 3/6/12)
      (1)   Official Business Only Policy. City-owned computers and Internet access, including e-mail, are to be used for the express purpose of carrying out the official business of the City. It is recognized that, on occasion, the employee may have need to utilize the computer or Internet for brief communications or for obtaining information of a personal nature. This is acceptable as normal procedure. However, Department Heads and supervisors are cautioned against permitting excessive computer or Internet utilization for personal, social, civic, or other purposes not benefiting the business or operations of the City. In no case will a City employee use City computers or Internet access for the purpose of conducting a personal business operation. Any additional cost that arises from an activity by a City employee that is not for official City business is the responsibility of the employee.
      (2)   Use of illegal software on City computers is prohibited. Any software on a city computer for which the user does not have a valid software registration is illegal. Each installation must have a valid registration. It is illegal to bring a copy of software installed on a home computer and install it on a city computer unless the user has a separate office software license, if so required.
      (3)   Use of computer games is to be monitored. The use of computer games in City offices creates a poor image when visitors from other departments or members of the public see City employees using computer equipment to play games. There are a few computer games that are specifically designed to improve computer skills for new users. Computer use is to be carefully monitored.
      (4)   Use of data files from home computers is limited. It is permissible to bring data files from home computers to the office computers, providing the files are business-related or specific approval for each file is obtained from the City Manager. It is required that all software or data on copy media or otherwise, including but not limited to CDs and DVDs, containing files from outside sources be checked for viruses before being used on city computers.
      (5)   Those found guilty of misusing City computer equipment or Internet access may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with City policy.
      (6)   Responsibility/Compliance. Department Heads and supervisors within each department are responsible for ensuring their employees use Internet resources in an effective, ethical, and lawful manner. Therefore access to the Internet must be conducted in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth herein.
      (7)   Non-Employee Access. Access to the City's Internet capability may be granted to non-employees (i.e., consultants, contract staff, temporary help, etc.) when there is a clear legitimate need to provide access to these type of users. Approval must be obtained from the City Manager. All policies and procedures contained in this directive apply to these type of users, as well as City employees.
      (8)   Public Records. All internal and internet transactions (i.e. e-mail, messages, web-pages, files, documents, etc.) carried out while conducting City business or using City-owned computer resources are considered official City records and may also be public records as well. Such transactions are not private when using City equipment, and any such communications may be viewed, reviewed, intercepted, printed, saved, or deleted by (or at the direction of) the City Manager. It is the City's policy to prohibit the dissemination of any confidential information on the Internet that might be harmful to the City's purposes, its employees, or to public safety.
      (9)   Message Content. All City computer users are responsible for the content of their messages and files. Fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages and/or other materials must not be produced, kept, or transmitted internally or over the Internet. Messages that harass an individual or group because of sex, race, religious beliefs, national origin, and/or physical attributes are prohibited.
      (10)   Internet Network Resource Integrity. City Internet users must not deliberately attempt to degrade the performance of a computer system or to deprive authorized personnel of resources or access to any computer system. Users must not attempt to gain unauthorized entry to resources or attempt to disrupt the intended use of computers or the Internet. City users must not destroy the integrity of computer-based information contained on City computers or on the Internet. It is the City's policy to prohibit the dissemination of any information that might be harmful to the City's purposes, its employees, or to public safety. The System Administrator will monitor internal and Internet performance and may restrict certain activities if they are interfering with the overall system performance.
      (11)   Bypassing Security Systems. City computer users must not use loopholes in computer systems or knowledge of a special password to damage computer systems, obtain extra resources, take resources from another user, gain access to systems, or use systems for which proper authorization has not been granted. Messages must not be sent under an assumed name or a modified address or with the intent to obscure the origin of the message.
      (12)   Use of Disclaimers. It is not acceptable to use the City's Internet access to express personal views and opinions as if they constitute official policy of the City of Moundsville. Internet users must clearly indicate, by disclaimer, that non-official information contained in postings, e-mail messages, and other information disseminated through the City's Internet connection does not necessarily represent the views and position of the City of Moundsville.
      (13)   Personal Gain. City Internet users must not use the Internet to directly initiate negotiations with others for personal financial gain. City Internet users must not use a City Internet e-mail account to acquire contacts for personal financial gain.
      (14)   Illegal Activity. City Internet users must not access the Internet for purposes that are illegal. Information and resources accessible via the City Internet access are considered the property of the individuals and organizations that own the right to those resources and these rights are to be protected.
      (15)   Access by Dumb Terminals. Access to the Internet is prohibited on non-intelligent terminals.
      (16)   Approved Internet Providers and Access Methods. Only the methods and providers of Internet connections approved by management shall be permitted. Such methods have been determined for both LAN connected personal computers and stand-alone computers. Only Internet access and search software approved by the System Administrator shall be used to access the Internet. Such software is commonly used to find information owned by other Internet users. The employee shall request the appropriate Internet-related software through the City's existing technology resource approval process. Using one's personal account to access the Internet on City equipment is not authorized, unless approved by the City Manager.
      (17)   Access Request Procedure. The System Administrator is responsible for providing Internet access and services to employees. If any Department Head feels that any of his/her employees have abused the Internet privileges, he/she can deny those privileges to those employees by notifying the System Administrator in writing. A "Computer Use and Internet Access Request" form is to be completed for each individual by the employee's supervisor and submitted to the System Administrator who will keep the completed form on file.
      (18)   Virus Scanning. All personal computers used to access the Internet shall utilize the virus scanning software approved by the System Administrator in the start-up process of the computer. All data files and software must be downloaded onto the user's workstation rather than the server and must be scanned for viruses immediately upon completion of the transfer to the workstation. Users will make no attempt to disable current anti-virus software.
      (19)   Web Site Screening. In order to protect the City from liabilities, the City reserves the right to block access by its employees to web sites that it considers objectionable, such as those that are fraudulent, harassing, or obscene.
   (c)   Internet Electronic Mail (e-mail). The intent of this policy is to identify the City's position concerning the use of electronic mail systems by employees, managers, and supervisors. The City's policies and procedures regarding the proper usage of electronic mail systems shall also apply to Internet mail (e-mail).
      (1)   Internet e-mail is not a secure medium.
      (2)   Discretion should be used at all times.
      (3)   Write nothing that you would not want to see in public print.
      (4)   E-mail directories fill quickly.
      (5)   E-mail messages should be deleted on a continuous basis.
      (6)   The transmission of chain letters and harassing mail is absolutely prohibited over the Internet. Any employee receiving such e-mail shall notify his/her supervisor immediately.
      (7)   The System Administrator has the authority and responsibility for oversight for the City e-mail communication system.
   Commercial e-mail accounts and instant messaging. The City may employ commercially available products and practices to protect itself from the undesirable effects of SPAM e-mail. For security reasons, employees are not permitted to access their commercial internet e-mail accounts or subscribe to commercial instant messaging accounts from the City network equipment.
   (d)   Authorized Use. The System Administrator is responsible for placing authorized employees on the system. The System Administrator will assign a username and user supplied password, which is to be used confidentially by the employee, and restrict unauthorized non-City use. Department heads are responsible for providing the System Administrator with a list of unauthorized users to be removed from the system.
   (e)   User Responsibilities. The employee is responsible for logging in and out of the system and for restricting access to the system under his/her password to City authorized, non-personal use. The employee is responsible for immediately notifying his/her Department Head and the System Administrator of the need to change passwords or of any breach of the system. Employees are responsible for the daily use and content of their messages. Employees should be reminded that e-mails are not private communication.
   (f)   Monitoring of Use and Violations. The System Administrator, Department Heads, and their designees are authorized to monitor and record the activities of users and to review electronic mail (e-mail) to ensure compliance with this policy. Use of the City's electronic systems implies consent to monitor. If such monitoring reveals possible criminal activity or policy violation, the information may be provided to law enforcement officials. Employees found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action.
   (g)   Computer Password Policy. Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. They are the front-line of protection for user accounts. A poorly chosen password may result in the compromise of the City's entire computer network. As such, all City of Moundsville employees are responsible for taking appropriate steps to select and secure their passwords. The System Administrator is responsible for establishing policy, setting standards, and enforcement of network computer passwords. Password access to the Internet is established for the express use of City personnel to enhance their ability to develop, design, and implement improved methods for delivering City information and services to the public. It is intended to encourage and promote improved use of technology and information services for the government. (Passed 3-6-07)
   (h)   Participation in News Groups. News groups are designed to be a source of discussion on the Internet. Because what is said in these news groups may be taken as official City position, approval to participate in a news group and the clearance of information provided as a participant in a news group must be given by the employee's supervisor. If an employee wants to participate in a news group of a controversial nature, he/she must include a disclaimer that the author is speaking for himself/herself and not as a representative of the City of Moundsville.
   (i)   Social Media Policy
   Social networking through the use of Internet-based and other electronic social media tools has become a part of everyday life; use of Facebook, LinkedIn, blogging, wikis, and other online social media vehicles is now commonplace.
   In general, what you do on your own time is a personal decision. But, often the lines between work and personal life can become blurred. Therefore, activities in or outside of work that affect your job performance, the performance of others, or City business interests are a proper focus for this City policy.
   This policy applies to all City of Moundsville personnel who participate in social media or other internet activity. The policy applies without regard to whether the conduct occurs during working or non-working hours. Similarly, the policy applies regardless of whether City equipment is used. This policy applies to both company sponsored social media and personal use as it relates to the City.
      (1)   Prohibited Conduct - The City of Moundsville absolutely prohibits revealing its name on social media or other websites which include sexual, violent, or illegal content. The City also prohibits language that is defamatory, harassing, disparaging, or violates obscenity laws.
      (2)   Transparency - If, at any time, you communicate about the City, you must disclose your affiliation with the City. And, if you associate yourself with the City in any way, you must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of the City. In those circumstances, you may want to include this disclaimer: "The views and opinions expressed on this [blog; website] are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer."
      (3)   Quality Matters - Use good judgment and strive for accuracy in your communications; errors and omissions reflect poorly on the City and may result in liability for you or the City.
Refrain from any online activity that is inconsistent with, or that reasonably could be expected to negatively impact, the City's reputation or standing in the community or with City residents.
Be respectful and professional to everyone, including fellow personnel, citizens, and visitors. Do not use profanity. Do not use language that violates the City's harassment policy.
      (4)   The Public Nature of Social Media - Information becomes public the moment it is published on the internet. City personnel should be mindful of the public nature of the internet when engaging in conduct online. Further, personnel should expect that other employees of the City, including members of senior management, will see anything that they post online.
      (5)   Protect the Brand - Do not use or incorporate the City's name, logo, imagery, or derivatives thereof in your address, screen name, home page, screen imagery, or otherwise without prior written approval from the City.
      (6)   City Policies and Procedures Apply - Your social media activities are subject to the same policies and procedures as your workplace activities. For example, it is inappropriate to engage in sexual harassment while at work; therefore, it is equally inappropriate to do so through the context of social media.
This policy is also meant to support and integrate with all other City personnel policies. Conduct that violates these policies will be subject to the same action as set forth in the City's disciplinary policy, up to and including termination.
      (7)   Confidentiality - Do not discuss or otherwise reveal confidential matters. Do not upload, post, or share photographs of City personnel taken at any City sponsored event, photographs taken inside a City office, or work-related documents or email exchanges.   
Maintain the confidentiality of City information at all times.
"Friending" - Exercise discretion in inviting colleagues, and responding to invitations from colleagues, to join social networks or become "friends."
Between supervisors and subordinates, taking (and reversing) such steps may be awkward and could even feel coercive. Among peers, while feelings of inclusion can have positive effects on working relationships, the corollary feelings of exclusion can be painful and counterproductive.
      (8)   Watch Any Advice You Give - Do not purport to give advice on legal matters. Speak only about issues about which you have knowledge. Do not purport to be an expert - even if you believe yourself to be.
      (9)   Don't Waste City Time - Make sure that your online activities do not interfere with your job performance. Personal social media use is restricted to personal time only. This is no different than it is for phone calls or e-mails. You should not use the company's time and/or equipment to participate in personal use of social media.
      (10)   Duty to Report - Just as you have a duty to report harassment or other inappropriate workplace conduct, you also have a duty to report any conduct that violates the rules set forth in this policy. In the event that you observe such conduct by any City personnel, you are obligated to comply with the reporting requirements set forth in the City's other personnel policies.
If you find a negative, disparaging, or otherwise troublesome post about the City, let us know. Please contact the City Manager as soon as possible. Please do not respond to it without first receiving instruction, unless you have specific permission to do so. (Ord. 3/6/12)
   If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the City Manager for further information or clarification.
City of Moundsville
Employee Policy Regulations
All employees of the City of Moundsville are responsible for knowing the information contained in this Employee Handbook. This Handbook does not confer any legal or other rights to any employee for continuation of employment, nor is this Handbook designed to be all-inclusive. It is not to be construed as a contract of employment; nor shall it interfere with or limit the right of the City of Moundsville to hire, promote, transfer or discharge employees. In addition, no policy is intended to conflict in any way with any existing State or Federal law. Should such a conflict exist, State or Federal law will supersede the policy.
The City of Moundsville has the exclusive right and discretion to establish policies and practices in order to manage the operation and business of the City. The City of Moundsville reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice to employees delete and/or amend any part of this Handbook. If any such changes are made they will be distributed to all employees; however, the City cannot be accountable to ensure that employees read or otherwise become aware of such changes. Employees bear this responsibility and any such changes become effective upon a specified date regardless of an employee's knowledge of such change.
Employees of the City of Moundsville (employer) are "at will" employees. Employment may be terminated at any time, by the employer or employee, for any reason.
As of this date, this Handbook supersedes all previous oral and/or written personnel policies.
Please sign below to acknowledge that you have read the above; have been provided a copy of the Personnel handbook; and that you have been instructed to read it. Retain this copy of the Acknowledgement in your Employee Handbook.
Employee's Signature                  Date
Employee's Name (Please Print)