(a) The cost of travel incurred in the reasonable performance of official duties that has been directed and approved by proper authority shall be reimbursed by the City. The basic principle shall be that the employee shall not make or lose money as the result of official travel. Allowable travel expenses shall include: transportation, lodging, meals, tips, and other incidental expenses, tuition and registration fees, and promotional and/or other exceptional expenses. The exact amounts to be reimbursed, the documentation required to support such reimbursement, and the rules and procedures for obtaining approval for official travel shall be determined by the City Manager or his designee in conjunction with the City Manager. (Ord.3/6/12)
(b) The City shall reimburse employees and Council members for travel expenses, at a rate equal to the rate the United States government reimburses federal employees, at the time the expense is incurred, when it is necessary to use a private vehicle for pre-approved City business, and shall reimburse for actual expenditures of meals with receipts provided, up to thirty dollars ($30.00) per day, for pre-approved City business, and shall reimburse hotel-motel expenses for a pre-approved reasonable amount, with receipts provided, for pre-approved City business. (Passed 7-1-08)
(c) All employees, including administrative personnel, when authorized to attend seminars, training sessions, municipal league meetings, business meetings, or other type meetings that require overnight accommodations, shall give to the Council members at the next regularly scheduled meeting of Council, an itemized accounting of all expenses incurred for such trips. Receipts must accompany itemized accounting reports.
(d) In instances where overnight expenses are not required, all expenses charged to the City must be itemized and made available to any Council member or resident of Moundsville, upon request.
(e) Council members designated by Council to attend any meeting or function where expenses incurred are paid by the City shall also be required to present to Council an itemized accounting of all such expenses incurred and such report must be available to all Council members and to any resident of Moundsville that requests such reports.
(f) The City Manager, Council members, and employees of the City that attend seminars, training sessions, meetings, etc. where the expenses are paid by the City, must summarize the context of such meetings before Council, either verbally or in written form.
(g) This section is not intended to interfere with or prevent the City Manager from attending meetings deemed necessary in the performance of his/her job or restrict his/her options within the scope of his/her budget provisions.
(h) The purpose of this article is to establish accountability for travel expenses by all employees. (Passed 9-1-98)