General Provisions
161.001 General intent
161.002 Purpose
161.003 Scope of regulations
161.004 Severability
161.005 Substitution provision
161.006 Definitions
161.007 Abrogation and greater restrictions
161.008 Sign variances
Permit and License Requirements
161.020 Permits required; exceptions
161.021 Permit application
161.022 Permit fees; waivers
161.023 Issuance of permit; review process and conditions
161.024 Sign installer’s license
Conditions and Regulations
161.035 Maintenance of premises
161.036 Sign maintenance, repair, permits and inspections
161.037 General location, design and construction standards
161.038 Specific sign type standards and requirements
161.039 Miscellaneous signage requirements and provisions
161.040 Prohibited signs
161.041 Non-conforming signs
161.999 Penalty