§ 160.500 RULES ADOPTED.
   (A)   Stormwater management plans. The city hereby adopts by reference, and as may be amended, the Rice Creek Watershed District Rule C related to stormwater management plans. Applications related to stormwater management plans will be reviewed by the local governing unit (“LGU”) in accordance with the Rice Creek Watershed District Rule C.
   (B)   Erosion and sediment control. The city hereby adopts by reference, and as may be amended, the Rice Creek Watershed District Rule D related to erosion and sediment control. Applications related to the modification or alteration of erosion sediment control will be reviewed by the LGU in accordance with Rice Creek Watershed District Rule D.
   (C)   Floodplain alteration. The city hereby adopts by reference, and as may be amended, the Rice Creek Watershed District Rule E related to floodplain alteration. Applications related to the modification or alteration of floodplains will be reviewed by the LGU in accordance with Rice Creek Watershed District Rule E.
(Ord. 973, passed 11-23-2020)