(A)   General. Developers, landowners and builders shall attempt to preserve the maximum number of significant and specimen trees on lots as possible by using creative design techniques for the location of structures and other improvements within property boundaries.
   (B)   Preservation standards.
      (1)   Structures and other amenities shall be located in such a manner that the optimum number of trees shall be preserved.
      (2)   Prior to the granting of a permit, the person requesting the permit shall demonstrate that there are no feasible or prudent alternatives to the removal of significant or specimen trees on the site.
      (3)   Forestation, reforestation or landscaping shall utilize a variety of tree species and shall not utilize any species presently under disease epidemic.
      (4)   Development including grading and contouring shall take place in such a manner that the root zone, as defined in § 160.416 of this chapter, of existing trees shall not be affected.
(Prior Code, § 1127.03)