§ 160.319 SUBMITTALS.
   The applicant shall submit a sufficient number of copies, as required by the City Administrator, of the following exhibits, analyses and plans during the PUD review process.
   (A)   General concept stage.
      (1)   General information.
         (a)   The landowner’s name and address and landowner’s interest in the subject property;
         (b)   The applicant’s name and address if different from the landowner;
         (c)   The names and addresses of all professional consultants who have contributed to the development of the PUD plan being submitted, including attorney, land planner, engineer and surveyor; and
         (d)   Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the subject property to effectuate the proposed PUD, including a statement of all legal, beneficial, tenancy and contractual interest held in or affecting the subject property and including an up-to-date certified abstract of title or registered property report and such other evidence as the City Attorney may require to show the status of title or control of the subject property.
      (2)   Present status.
         (a)   The address and legal description of the subject property;
         (b)   The existing zoning classification and present use of the subject property and all lands within 500 feet of the subject property; and
         (c)   A map depicting the existing development of the subject property and all lands within 500 feet thereof and showing the precise location of existing streets, property lines, easements, water mains and storm and sanitary sewers, with invert elevations on and within 100 feet of the subject property.
      (3)   Statement. A written statement generally describing the proposed PUD and the market which it is intended to serve, showing its relationship to the city’s Comprehensive Plan and how the proposed PUD is to be designed, arranged and operated in order to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable regulations of the city.
      (4)   Site conditions.
         (a)   Where deemed necessary by the city, graphic reproductions of the existing site conditions at a scale of 100 feet shall be submitted and shall contain the following:
            1.   Contours, minimum two-foot intervals;
            2.   Location, type and extent of tree cover;
            3.   Slope analysis;
            4.   Location and extent of water bodies, wetlands and streams and floodplains within 300 feet of the subject property;
            5.   Significant rock outcropping;
            6.   Existing drainage patterns;
            7.   Vistas and significant views; and
            8.   Soil conditions as they affect development.
         (b)   All of the graphics should be the same scale as the final plan to allow easy cross-reference. The use of overlays is recommended for clear reference.
      (5)   Schematic drawing. Schematic drawing of the proposed development concept, including, but not limited to, the general location of major circulation elements, public and common open space, residential and other land uses.
      (6)   Estimated number of dwelling units. A statement of the estimated total number of dwelling units proposed for the PUD and a tabulation of the proposed approximate allocations of land use expressed in acres and as a percent of the total project area which shall include at least the following:
         (a)   Area devoted to residential uses;
         (b)   Area devoted to residential use by building type;
         (c)   Area devoted to common open space;
         (d)   Area devoted to public open space;
         (e)   Approximate area devoted to streets;
         (f)   Approximate area, and potential floor area, devoted to commercial uses; and
         (g)   Approximate area, and potential floor area, devoted to industrial or office uses.
      (7)   Stages. When the PUD is to be constructed in stages during a period of time extending beyond a single construction season, a schedule for the development of such stages or units shall be submitted stating the approximate beginning and completion date for each such stage or unit and the proportion of the total PUD public or common open space and dwelling units to be provided or constructed during each such stage and the overall chronology of development to be followed from stage to stage.
      (8)   Open space. When the proposed PUD includes provisions for public or common open space or service facilities, a statement describing the provision that is to be made for the care and maintenance of the open space or service facilities shall be submitted. If it is proposed that the open space be owned and/or maintained by any entity other than a governmental authority, copies of the proposed articles of incorporation and bylaws of the entity shall be submitted during the development stage.
      (9)   Restrictive covenants. General intents of any restrictive covenants that are to be recorded with respect to property included in the proposed PUD.
      (10)   Feasibility study. Where deemed necessary, a market feasibility study, including an analysis of the proposal’s economic impact on the city shall be submitted.
   (B)   Development stage. Development stage submissions should depict and outline the proposed implementation of the general concept stage for the PUD. Information from the general concept stage may be included for background and to provide a basis for the submitted plan. The development stage submissions shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Zoning classification required for development stage submission and any other public decision necessary for implementation of the proposed plan;
      (2)   Preliminary plans, drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet (or scale requested by the Director of Public Works/Parks and Recreation) containing at least the following information:
         (a)   Proposed name of the development (which shall not duplicate, nor be similar in pronunciation to the name of any plat theretofore recorded in the county wherein the subject property is situated);
         (b)   Property boundary lines and dimensions of the property and any significant topographical or physical features of the property;
         (c)   The location, size, use and arrangement including height in stones and feet and total square feet of ground area coverage and floor area, or proposed building, and existing buildings which will remain, if any;
         (d)   The location, dimensions and number of all driveways, entrances, curb cuts, parking stalls, loading spaces and access aisles and all other circulation elements, including bike and pedestrian and the total site coverage of all circulation elements;
         (e)   Location, designation and total area of all common open space;
         (f)   Proposed lots and blocks, if any, and numbering system;
         (g)   The location, use and size of structures and other land uses on adjacent properties;
         (h)   Preliminary sketches of proposed landscaping;
         (i)   General grading and drainage plans for the developed PUD; and
         (j)   Any other information that may have been required by the Planning Commission or City Council in conjunction with the approval of the general concept plan.
      (3)   An accurate legal description of the entire area within the PUD for which final development plan approval is sought;
      (4)   A tabulation indicating the approximate gross square footage, if any, of commercial and industrial floor space by type of activity (such as, drugstore, dry cleaning, supermarket);
      (5)   Preliminary architectural plans indicating use, floor plan, elevations and exterior wall finishes of proposed buildings, including mobile homes;
      (6)   A detailed site plan, suitable for recording, showing the physical layout, design and purpose of all streets, easements, rights-of-way, utility lines and facilities, lots, block, public and common open space, general landscaping plan, structures, including mobile homes, and uses;
      (7)   Preliminary grading and site alteration plan illustrating changes to existing topography and natural site vegetation. The plan should clearly reflect the site treatment and its conformance with the approved concept plan;
      (8)   A preliminary and final plat prepared by a land surveyor, duly registered in the state in accordance with M.S. Ch. 505, as it may be amended from time to time, which shall contain a notarized certification by the surveyor that the plat represents a survey made by the surveyor and that the monuments shown herein exist as located and that all dimensions are correct, as required by M.S. § 505.03, as it may be amended from time to time, and a notarized certification by owner or owners of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of streets and other public areas as required by M.S. § 505.03, subd. 1, as it may be amended from time to time;
      (9)   A soil erosion control plan approved by the appropriate watershed districts, Department of Natural Resources or any other agency with review authority clearly illustrating erosion measures to be used during construction and as permanent measures;
      (10)   A statement summarizing all changes which have been made in any document, plan data or information previously submitted, together with revised copies of any such document, plan or data;
      (11)   Such other and further information as the Planning Commission, Director of Public Works/Parks and Recreation or City Council shall find necessary to a full consideration of the entire proposed PUD or any stage thereof; and
      (12)   The Planning Commission may, by a written order, excuse any applicant from submitting any specific item of information or document required herein which it finds to be unnecessary to the consideration of the specific proposal for PUD approval.
   (C)   Final plat stage. After approval of a general concept plan for the PUD and approval of a development stage plan for a section of the proposed PUD, the applicant will submit the following material for review by city staff prior to issuance of a building or other permits:
      (1)   A detailed landscaping plan;
      (2)   Proof of recording any easements and restrictive covenants prior to the sale of any land or dwelling unit within the PUD and of the establishment and activation of any entity that is to be responsible for the management and maintenance of any public or common open space or service facility;
      (3)   All certificates, seals and signatures required for the dedication of land and recordation of documents;
      (4)   Final architectural working drawings of all structures;
      (5)   Final engineering plans and specifications for streets, utilities and other public improvements, together with a community/developer agreement for the installation of improvements and financial guarantees for the completion of the improvements; and
      (6)   Any other plan, agreements or specifications necessary for the city staff to review the proposed construction.
(Prior Code, § 1120.05) (Ord. 844, passed 05-20-2010)