§ 160.284 STANDARDS.
   For development of properties within the County Road 10 Overlay District, the following standards will be applied where these standards supersede requirements set forth in the B-1 (Neighborhood Business), B-2 (Limited Business), B-3 (Highway Business), B-4 (Regional Business). PUD (Planned Unit Development), R-3 (Medium Density Residential) and R-4 (High Density Residential) zoning districts. All other standards and requirements of the above-mentioned zoning districts shall continue to apply.
   (A)   Construction materials.
      (1)   At least 50% of all exterior wall finishes on any building will be comprised of a combination of at least two of the following materials:
         (a)   Brick;
         (b)   Natural stone or cultured stone;
         (c)   Glass;
         (d)   Masonry stucco; and
         (e)   Other comparable or superior material as approved by the city.
      (2)   The remaining 50% of all exterior wall finishes must be comprised of any combination of decorative or rock face concrete block, concrete panels, metal or wood. All building materials subject to approval of the city.
      (3)   Buildings may be constructed of primarily one of the materials listed in division (A)(1) above, if the design exceeds the intent of the ordinance and is approved by the city.
      (4)   Non-decorative exposed concrete block buildings are prohibited, as are pre-engineered metal buildings, corrugated metal-sided buildings and wood sided buildings unless such metal buildings and wood sided buildings are enhanced on all elevations by the application of brick, decorative masonry or decorative stucco surfaces in combination with decorative fascia overhangs and trim.
   (B)   Architectural design. Each building design will be reviewed for at least the following considerations:
      (1)   Appropriate location of structures on the site considering the relationship to other site amenities, restrictions, adjacent land usage and the like;
      (2)   General layout, roof treatments, proportion and quality of exterior;
      (3)   In the design of buildings or clusters of buildings, developers must orient projects so that the side(s) facing County Road 10 from the front of the project. Where front toward County Road 10 is not feasible due to the location of access roads and other site constraints, the project must be oriented and designed in such a manner so as to convey a pleasing appearance from County Road 10;
      (4)   Screening of mechanical equipment, tanks, loading docks, refuse handling, ancillary equipment and the like, whether on the roof or on the site;
      (5)   Drainage pipes on exterior building walls facing a street and/or County Road 10 must be integral to the design and non-apparent; and
      (6)   Exceptions to the architectural design standards set forth in this section may be granted by the City Administrator or designee, for structures of comparable design and building materials.
   (C)   Building and parking setback requirements. Buildings and parking lots should have no more than a five-foot setback from County Road 10. The required setbacks for the other sides of the property will be determined by the city, based on the specific project and land usage.
   (D)   Off-street parking. The city will use the off-street parking requirements in § 160.342 of this chapter as a guideline, and base the final determination of required spaces on the specific project and land usage.
   (E)   Landscaping.
      (1)   Landscaping requirements shall be in accordance with §§ 160.415 through 160.421 of this chapter.
      (2)   A minimum of 15% of the total area of each lot shall be devoted to landscaped open space.
      (3)   All open areas of any lot not used for parking, driveways or storage shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, berms and planted ground cover.
   (F)   Signs. In accordance with Ch. 161 of this code of ordinances.
   (G)   Outdoor storage and dumpster screening.
      (1)   No outdoor storage shall be permitted unless such storage is visually screened from view from County Road 10 and all adjoining residential properties, with suitable solid fence constructed of masonry or wood at least six feet in height. Screening shall be well maintained.
      (2)   No dumpsters may be located on the sides of buildings fronting County Road 10, except if, in the opinion of the city, no other suitable location is reasonably available for such purpose and provided the dumpster area is developed in a manner so as to minimize its appearance from County Road 10.
      (3)   All dumpsters shall be entirely screened by a masonry or solid wooden fence, with gate or a comparable screening, at least six feet in height.
(Prior Code, § 1129.05)