The following are permitted uses in a B-4 District:
   (A)   All permitted uses as allowed in a B-3 District;
   (B)   Amusement places (such as dance halls or roller rinks);
   (C)   Enclosed boat and marine sales;
   (D)   Department and discount stores;
   (E)   Dry cleaning, including plant accessory heretofore, pressing and repairing;
   (F)   Electrical appliance stores, including incidental repair and assembly, but not fabricating or manufacturing;
   (G)   Furniture stores;
   (H)   Garden supply stores;
   (I)   Public garage;
   (J)   Theaters, not of the outdoor drive-in type; and
   (K)   Variety stores, five- and ten-cent stores and stores of similar nature.
(Prior Code, § 1115.02) (Ord. 452, passed 02-27-1989; Ord. 617, passed 06-08-1998)