(A)   The public interest necessitates sound land use development as land is a limited and irreplaceable resource and the land within the municipality is a resource to be developed in a manner which will result in minimum damage to the quality of life and to property and threat to health and reductions of private and public economic loss caused by drainage problems.
   (B)   The existing drainage system in the city, in general, adequately meets the needs of the city. However, the storm drainage system will not, in the future, provide adequate or proper drainage in those areas of the city subject to substantial residential, commercial or industrial development unless the large increase in storm water runoff that is known to result from the development is properly controlled and regulated. The consequence of not restricting the increase in runoff would be to subject a major portion of the lands of the city to high water tables, drainage problems, storm water flooding by heavy rains, inadequate drainage facilities, causing erosion, damage to property, disruption of residential, commercial and governmental services, unsanitary conditions and interruptions of transportation, all of which would be detrimental to the health, safety, welfare and property of affected residents of the city.
(Prior Code, § 1301.01) (Ord. 507, passed 04-27-1992)