(A)   Posting. A therapeutic massage enterprise license issued must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises for which it is used. A person licensed as a therapeutic massage therapist must have in possession a copy of the license when therapeutic massage services are being rendered.
   (B)   Area. A therapeutic massage enterprise license is effective only for the compact and contiguous space specified in the approved license application. If the licensed premises are enlarged, altered or extended, the licensee must inform the City Administrator. A licensed therapeutic massage therapist may perform on-site massage at a business, public gathering, private home or other site not on the therapeutic massage enterprise premises.
   (C)   Transfer. The license issued is for the person or the premises named on the approved license application. Transfer of a license from place to place or from person to person is not permitted.
   (D)   Coverings. The therapist must require that the person who is receiving the massage will at all times have that person’s breasts, buttocks, anus and genitals covered with non-transparent material or clothing. A therapist performing massage must have the therapist’s breasts, buttocks, anus and genitals covered with a non-transparent material or clothing.
   (E)   Prohibited massage. A therapist may not intentionally massage or offer to massage the penis, scrotum, mons veneris, vulva or vaginal area of a person.
(Prior Code, § 514.11) (Ord. 844, passed 05-20-2010) Penalty, see § 114.999