(A)   The Town Council hereby adopts IC 36-5-4-12(a) providing that the Clerk Treasurer may pay certain invoices and bills prior to approval of the Town Council.
   (B)   Pursuant to IC 36-5-4-12 and this section, the Clerk Treasurer may make the following payments prior to Town Council approval:
      (1)   License or permit fees;
      (2)   Insurance premiums;
      (3)   Utility payments and connection charges;
      (4)   Maintenance or service agreements;
      (5)   Lease or rental agreements;
      (6)   Payroll;
      (7)   State, federal or county taxes; and
      (8)   Expenses that must be paid because of emergency circumstances.
   (C)   All payments made by the Clerk-Treasurer shall be supported by a fully itemized invoice or bill and shall be certified by the Clerk-Treasurer.
   (D)   The Town Council shall review and allow the claim at the Council’s next regular or special meeting following the preapproved payment of the expense.
   (F)   Applicability and effective date.
      (1)   All portions of former ordinances in conflict with this section are hereby repealed or superseded. This section shall become in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication as required by law; and
      (2)   Nothing contained herein shall prevent or supersede the enforcement of any other ordinance or law by any other county department, board or agency.
(Ord. 06-2008, passed 6-25-08; Am. Ord. 01-2020, passed 6-24-20)