(A)   The Town Council may, on or before January 21 of each year, employ a Secretary to the Board of Cemetery Trustees, which person shall be a resident of the town and shall serve as Secretary upon the terms and conditions determined by the Council and specifically at the pleasure of the Council until a successor is elected and qualified. That Secretary may be a member of the Cemetery Board of Trustees.
   (B)   The Secretary, if employed, shall give bond in the sum of $2,500 in favor of the town to account of all moneys and property of all kinds coming into his or her hands as Secretary and shall have such duties as the Council shall proscribe.
   (C)   The sexton, if employed, shall give bond in the sum of $2,500 in favor of the town to account for all moneys and property of all kinds coming into his hands as sexton and shall have such duties as the Council shall prescribe.