General Provisions
30.01 Election; terms; qualifications
30.02 General powers
30.03 Oath; organization; Chairperson
30.04 Chairperson; powers and duties; absence
30.05 Standing committees
30.06 Vacancy; general powers
30.07 Vacancy due to unexcused absences
30.08 Membership in Fire Department does not disqualify for office
30.09 Appointive officers
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Motions
30.30 Grant of power
30.31 Procedure for resolutions and motions
30.32 Ordinances; style, title
30.33 Reading and passage of ordinances, resolutions, orders, bylaws
30.34 Publication or posting
30.35 Certificate of publication or posting
30.36 Effective date; emergency ordinances
30.37 Amendments and revisions