In all FEHAs, the following provisions are required:
   (A)   New primary building are not allowed to be constructed in FEHAs;
   (B)   Improvements to existing structures, and any associated fill as needed to comply with elevation requirements in the SFHA shall not decrease the distance between the existing structures and the top of bank and must comply with all of § 151.06(A)(10) and (B)(5);
   (C)   Development shall not increase the potential for fluvial erosion damage on the property or on neighboring properties;
   (D)   Development shall not increase the potential of materials being swept onto other lands or into stream and causing damage to other properties from fluvial erosion;
   (E)   Development shall not cause an undue burden on public services and facilities including roads, bridges, culverts and emergency service providers during and after fluvial erosion events.
(Ord. 7-3-7.2, passed 8-29-2014; Ord. passed 9-24-2014)