For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AT LARGE. Any dog shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of his or her owner, is not restrained or controlled by a competent person, or is not actively engaged in hunting under the supervision of a competent person in a manner consistent with such hunting.
   COUNTY ANIMAL CENTER. The premises designed by County Board of Commissioners for the purpose of impounding and caring for dogs is the facility of the County Humane Society.
   COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY. The COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY shall consist of the County Board of Commissioners, the County Sheriff and the County Animal Control Officer (who shall be a non-voting member) and such authorities shall have the authority as hereafter set forth.
   COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. The individual approved by the County Board of Commissioners to pick up and impound dogs.
   KENNEL. Any person, persons, corporation or other entity engaged in the commercial business of breeding, buying, selling or boarding dogs.
   OWNER. Any person, persons, corporation or other entity which owns, possesses, keeps, harbors or willingly allows or permits a dog to be on his, her, its or their premises.
   SPAYED FEMALE. A female dog which has been operated upon or treated in such a manner as to prevent conception.
(Ord. 4-2-1, passed 9-16-1991; Ord. passed - -)