(A)   There is established a County Prosecutor’s Office Diversion Program Fund.
   (B)   All deferral program and pre-trial diversion program fees shall be collected by the Clerk of the Court for the Martinsville City Court and the Clerk of the Court for the Mooresville Town Court, and upon the claim by the County Prosecutor, the fees are transferred to the County Auditor.
   (C)   The County Auditor shall deposit all funds received from the City of Martinsville and the Town of Mooresville from the deferral program and the pre-trial diversion programs into the County Prosecutor’s Office Diversion Program Fund.
   (D)   The City of Martinsville and the Town of Mooresville may submit claims for reimbursement of various costs of administering the programs from the County Prosecutor’s Office Diversion Program Fund, all as set forth by written agreement between the City of Martinsville, the Town of Mooresville and the County Prosecutor’s Office.
   (E)   Pursuant to I.C. 33-37-5, any funds remaining in the County Prosecutor’s Office Diversion Program Fund, after the satisfaction of all claims as set forth in division (D) above, may be appropriated by the County Council for the payment of salaries within the County Prosecutor’s Office, so long as:
      (1)   The County Prosecutor certifies to the County Council that the amount in the County Prosecutor’s Officer Program Diversion Fund exceeds the amount to finance the Deferral and Pre-Trial Diversion programs during the calendar year; and
      (2)   States the amount of the excess funds in his or her certification.
(Ord. 1-4-5.3, passed 12-15-2003)