(a) As used in this section:
(1) "Hunt or hunting" shall mean shooting, killing, lying in wait for or shooting at wildlife while employing a crossbow and arrow or a long bow and arrow; the act results in killing. It includes every attempt to kill wildlife and every act of assistance to any other person in killing or attempting to kill wildlife.
(2) "Take or taking" shall mean shooting, hunting or killing wildlife. It includes every attempt to kill wildlife and every act of assistance to any other person in killing or attempting to kill wildlife.
(b) Notwithstanding the prohibitions set forth in Section 505.11, it shall be lawful to hunt or to take wildlife within the corporate limits of the Village subject to all of the following terms and conditions:
(1) Hunting or taking with a longbow and arrow or a crossbow and arrow shall be confined to an area comprised of not less than four acres. Hunters may only hunt with a long bow and arrow or cross bow and arrow from a Tree Stand. Owners of property less than four acres may join together and combine their properties to meet the minimum area requirement provided that such properties are contiguous and that all such owners agree in writing that hunting or taking shall take place upon their combined properties. Areas encompassing less than four (4) acres may be issued a permit after safety review by the Chief of Police or designee. The owners of the property must file this agreement with the Chief of Police of the Village of Moreland Hills or his designated representative;
(2) A. All persons who hunt or take wildlife in the Village of Moreland Hills must first apply for and obtain a permit from the Chief of Police of the Village of Moreland Hills, or his designated representative, authorizing that person to hunt or take wildlife. Applications for permits must be filed for hunting or taking by crossbow and arrow or by longbow and arrow;
B. All persons who hunt/take wildlife must comply with the safety guidelines established by the Village of Moreland Hills which may be as amended from time to time by the Mayor and Chief of Police with the approval of Council.
C. If the person is not the lawful owner of the land upon which wildlife shall be hunted or taken, then written permission of the landowner must be secured and be carried with the person at all times while hunting and/or taking on the land;
(3) Any person who hunts or takes wildlife must comply with all applicable laws of the Village of Moreland Hills, the State of Ohio, and regulations of the Ohio Division of Wildlife as to when a person may take and hunt wildlife and the sex of wildlife which the person may take or hunt;
(4) No person shall hunt or take wildlife at any time except from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset;
(5) No person shall hunt or take wildlife on Sundays at any time; and
(6) No person under the age of eighteen shall hunt or take wildlife.
(c) Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(Ord. 1997-60. Passed 10-8-97.)
(Ord. 1997-60. Passed 10-8-97.)