(a) The Police Department of the Municipality shall consist of the following:
(1) A Chief of Police;
(2) One Executive Lieutenant;
(3) Three Sergeants;
(4) One full-time Detective;
(5) Nine full-time patrol officers, plus one additional full-time patrol officer who shall serve as the School Resource Officer subject to school sessions and the terms of any applicable Memorandum of Understanding or other written agreement between the Village and the Orange School District. When there is less than a full complemen of lieutenants and sergeants, the Mayor may appoint an additional full-time patrol officer in anticipation of an upcoming promotion. In addition, the Mayor may appoint such full-time patrol officers as the Mayor determines necessary in order to compensate for or ensure appropriate staffing levels and operational continuity in connection with announced retirements and other anticipated patrol officer vacancies.
(6) One police administrative secretary;
(7) One part-time police administrative secretary;
(8) Such part-time patrol officers as the Mayor determines necessary to appoint.
(b) All members of the Police Department shall have the authority, duties and obligations imposed upon the officers and members of the Police Department by the statutes of Ohio, and as is now or may hereafter be prescribed by the Charter and the ordinances of the Municipality. (Ord. 2023-64. Passed 12-13-23.)