The Architectural Reviewer shall review all plans, drawings, specifications and other data submitted to the Building Inspector with an application for a permit for the construction of all new dwellings. When requested by the Planning Commission, the Architectural Reviewer shall also review the plans, drawings, specifications and other data submitted to the Building Inspector for a permit for the construction of any other type of building or structure, or for the improvement, alteration or repair of any existing dwelling, building or structure. In order to protect and maintain the high character of community development and to protect real estate within the Village from impairment or destruction of value, the Architectural Reviewer shall recommend, according to proper architectural principles, the design, use of materials, finished grade lines and orientation for all new buildings hereafter erected and, when requested by the Planning Commission, for any other building construction, including improvement, alteration or repair of any existing dwelling, building or structure. In considering all plans, drawings, specifications and other data submitted to the Building Inspector with an application for a permit for a building proposal, the Architectural Reviewer shall consider and take cognizance of the development of adjacent, contiguous and neighboring dwellings, buildings and properties for the purpose of achieving safe, harmonious, and integrated development of related properties. The Architectural Reviewer shall exercise the powers and perform the duties in this chapter provided for the accomplishment of such purposes only. (Ord. 2012-31. Passed 5-9-12.)