(a) All plans and drawings required by this Building Code to be filed with the Building Inspector, shall be drawn on paper or cloth in ink or by some process that will not fade or obliterate, to a scale of not less than one-eighth inch to the foot. All distances, heights, dimensions, thickness and sizes of walls, supporting members, structural parts and openings shall be accurate and complete showing the entire sewerage, drains, soil and waste pipes in plan, also heating and lighting systems.
(b) Any details that may be required in explanation of the drawings or parts thereof shall be drawn to such larger scale as may be necessary to provide for a correct and intelligent interpretation of the drawings, and in no case shall they be less than one-fourth inch to one foot.
(c) Any person filing plans and drawings with the Building Inspector, as required by this Building Code, shall submit four (4) paper sets and a pdf version.
(Ord. 2012-30. Passed 5-9-12.)