A property shall only be eligible to apply for approval of a Planned Development if in compliance with the following minimum qualifying conditions. Before the property is approved for Planned Development, the proposed plan shall also comply with all other provisions and procedures set forth in this Chapter. The minimum qualifying conditions include:
   (a)   The property or group of properties shall be wholly located within the area described as follows:
The area of the Village of Moreland Hills containing the properties having the following permanent parcel numbers:       
               PPN 91201001
                                                   PPN 91201003
                                                   PPN 91201002
                                                   PPN 91201004
                                                   PPN 91201011
                                                   PPN 91201005
                                                   PPN 91201012
   (b)   Property which is not wholly located within the area described in subsection (a) above shall not be permitted to apply for planned development.
   (c)   Ownership and Control: The land for which a Planned Development application is submitted must be either in single ownership or the subject of an application filed collectively by all owners of the properties intended to be included within the Planned Development.
   (d)   The property for which a Planned Development application is filed shall total at least eighteen (18) acres of land exclusive of existing public rights-of-way. All properties included within the total area shall be contiguous and shall not be separated by existing public roads or other areas which limit use for purposes of the Planned Development. The total aggregate of frontage on Chagrin Boulevard shall be at least two hundred feet (200'). (Ord. 2016-19. Passed 7-13-16.)