The number of dwelling units permitted, the amount of lot coverage permitted, and the minimum open space provided shall comply with the following:
   (a)   Maximum Density. The gross density shall not exceed the one dwelling unit per two acres of land area within the project boundaries. When calculating the maximum number of dwelling units permitted for a particular site, any public right-of-way existing at the time the development plan is submitted shall be deducted.
   (b)   Minimum Required Open Space. A minimum thirty-three percent (33%) of the gross development area shall be owned by a property owners association or other approved body and preserved as natural open space for the benefit of all property owners in the association. Open space shall be protected by conservation easements approved by Planning Commission, shall be identified as separate parcel(s) on the plat, and shall be noted in covenants and deed restrictions.
   (c)   Maximum Lot Coverage. The area covered by all buildings and impervious surfaces shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the gross development area.
      (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 7-11-12.)