In addition to the general review procedures for development plans, the Planning Commission shall review a proposed Residential Open Space Conservation Development to ensure that:
   (a)   The proposed buildings and uses are located so as to reduce any undue adverse impacts upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, environmental conditions, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare.
   (b)   Buffer zones with adequate landscaping are provided between the proposed development and adjacent residential areas;
   (c)   The bulk and height of buildings within the proposed development are compatible with the surrounding development;
   (d)   Roadway/street systems, service areas, parking areas, entrances, exits, and pedestrian walkways within the development are designed in a manner that minimizes traffic hazards or congestion;
   (e)   The layout of parking areas, entrances, exits, signs, lighting, noise sources or other potentially adverse influences are designed and located to protect the residential character of areas adjacent to the development and to minimize alteration of the natural site features, such as, but not limited to, ravines, steep slopes, stream beds, lakes, significant stands of trees, individual trees of significant size, and rock outcroppings.
   (f)   The proposed development will be constructed, arranged and operated so as not to interfere with the development and use of neighboring property, in accordance with the applicable district regulations.
   (g)   The proposed Residential Open Space Conservation development will be served adequately by police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewers; or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use will provide adequately for such services.
      (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 7-11-12.)