(a) When reviewing preliminary development plan applications for individually developed single-family detached dwellings or a use accessory thereto, the Planning Commission shall take into consideration the comments and recommendation of staff and consultants and shall review the proposal to determine that the proposal is not contrary to and complies with all applicable regulations in this Planning and Zoning Code and will not result in any material adverse impact to the site or surrounding areas.
(b) When reviewing preliminary development plan applications for uses other than individually developed single-family detached dwellings, the Planning Commission shall review a preliminary development plan to determine if such application complies with the review criteria set forth below. The Planning Commission shall take into consideration the comments and recommendation of staff and consultants. In order to approve a preliminary development plan, the Planning Commission shall determine that:
(1) The plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, goals, policies, and the Zoning Map of the Village;
(2) The appropriate use and value of property within and adjacent to the area will be safeguarded;
(3) The development will result in a harmonious grouping of buildings within the proposed development and in relationship to existing and proposed uses on adjacent property; and,
(4) The development will preserve and be sensitive to the natural and environmental characteristics of the site in a manner that complies with the applicable regulations set forth in this Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2012-21. Passed 7-11-12.)