The owner and/or agent of the owner shall prepare proposed improvement plans and profiles of the proposed subdivision.
     (a)   Proposed Improvement Plans. The proposed improvement plans shall be plotted with a horizontal and a vertical scale as determined by the Village Engineer. The proposed improvement plans shall include:
        (1)   The proposed name of the subdivision;
      (2)   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and/or agent of the owner, the owner (if different from the owner and/or agent of the owner), the professional engineer and registered surveyor who prepared the improvement plans, and appropriate registration numbers and seals;
      (3)   A vicinity map showing the proposed subdivision and its location within the Village;
      (4)   The date and scale of the proposed improvement plans, and a north arrow;
      (5)   The boundary outline of the land to be subdivided;
      (6)   The proposed arrangement of streets and sublots with dimensions;
      (7)   The grading plan for all proposed sublots and common areas in the proposed subdivision;
      (8)   The layout and construction notes of all proposed culverts, storm and sanitary sewers, water mains and storm water management systems;
      (9)   All other existing and proposed features and improvements pertinent to the platting of the subdivision; and,
      (10)   Such other reasonable information as the Village Engineer may require.
    (b)   Proposed Profiles.
       (1)   The proposed profiles, which may be prepared on standard cross-section paper, shall have a minimum horizontal and vertical scale as determined by the Village Engineer.
      (2)   The proposed profiles shall show the existing elevations on the centerline at intervals determined by the Village Engineer and at intermediate points where there is a sharp break in grade.
      (3)   A proposed centerline Profile shall be shown, with vertical curves at each change of grade in excess of 0.3 of one percent.
   (c)   Improvement Plans. The owner and/or agent of the owner shall provide improvement plans for review by the Village Engineer and the Building Inspector, as required. The improvement plans shall include all appropriate information and data and shall be submitted in the manner and form required by said reviewing authority. (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 7-11-12.)