Initially, the Municipality shall have a Law Department, a Finance Department, a Service Department and a Police Department; and the Council shall provide by ordinance for the organization and duties thereof, except as provided for in this Charter. The Municipality shall also have a Village Planning Commission, and when it reaches city status under the laws of Ohio, a Civil Service Commission. The Council may by ordinance establish additional departments and commissions, or divisions thereof, and provide for such boards, officers and employees as it may deem necessary. The Council may separate, divide, combine or abolish any department, division, board, commission, nonelective office, or job classification; and may authorize one person to serve in two or more departments, divisions, boards or commissions. No Fire Department will be established until the Council determines not to provide fire protection by contract with another established Fire Department. The Mayor shall appoint a Chief of Police to serve as the head of the Police Department. The Chief of Police shall serve under the direction of the Mayor.
(Amended 11-4-08.)