Upon receipt, the application shall be processed as follows:
   (A)   At least one (1) public hearing on the proposal shall be held, whereby interested parties and citizens shall have the opportunity to be heard. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published at least once in The Morehead News provided that one (1) publication occurs not less than seven (7) calendar days or more than twenty-one (21) calendar days before the occurrence of such hearing.
   (B)   Notice of the public hearing and proposed location shall be posted on the site at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the hearing. The notice shall consist of a written notice of durable material at least two (2) feet by four (4) feet in size stating that [Name of Applicant] proposes to construct a telecommunications tower on this site" and shall also include the addresses and telephone numbers of the applicant and the Morehead-Lakeview Heights Planning Commission. The notice shall be posted and shall remain in a visible location on the proposed site until final disposition of the application. Notice of the proposal shall also be posted on the public road nearest the site. This notice shall consist of a written notice of durable material at least two (2) feet by four (4) feet in size, stating that "[Name of Applicant] proposes to construct a telecommunications tower near this site" and shall include the addresses and telephone numbers of the applicant and the Morehead-Lakeview Heights Planning Commission.
   (C)   Notice of the hearing shall be given at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the hearing by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of every parcel of property within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed tower or property contiguous to the site upon which the tower is proposed to be constructed. The notice shall include a map of the location of the proposed construction, the telephone number and address of the Morehead – Lakeview Heights Planning Commission and shall inform the addressee of his or her right to participate in the Planning Commission's proceedings on the application. Records maintained by the Property Valuation Administrator may be relied upon conclusively to determine the identity and address of said owner. In the event a property is in condominium or cooperative forms of ownership, then the person notified by mail shall be the president or chairperson of the owner group that administers property commonly owned by the condominium or cooperative owners. A joint notice may be mailed to two or more co-owners of an adjoining property who are listed in the Property Valuation Administrator's records as having the same address.
   (D)   Upon holding the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall, within sixty (60) days commencing from the date that the application is received by the Planning Commission, or within a date specified in a written agreement between the Planning Commission and the applicant, make its final decision to approve or disapprove the uniform application. If the Planning Commission fails to issue a final decision within sixty (60) days, and if there is no written agreement between the Planning Commission and the utility as to a specific date for the Planning Commission to issue a decision, it shall be presumed that the Planning Commission has approved the application.
(Ord. 30:2005, passed 9-23-05)