(a)   Pre-Application Conference.
      (1)    The City encourages voluntary pre-submittal conferences to meet with potential Applicants and discuss projects on a conceptual level. The conference is intended to provide an overview of the application content requirements for any given project, and also to create an informal forum in which Applicants and the City can discuss any concerns that should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid any unnecessary delays in the processing of an application and deployment of Facilities in the City. A pre-submittal conference is not required to submit an application.
      (2)    An appointment is required for all pre-submittal conferences. City staff may establish regular hours in which appointments are available. City staff will endeavor to provide Applicants with an appointment within approximately ten (10) business days after receipt of a written or email request.
   (b)   Applications.
      (1)    Prior to submitting an application for a Right of Way Construction Permit, the Applicant must possess a valid Certificate of Registration, as required by the Codified Ordinances Chapter 901.
      (2)    Prior to construction, installation, modification, co-location, relocation, replacement, or removal of a Facility in the Right of Way, the Person/Operator shall first apply to the City and receive a Right of Way Construction Permit from the City. A Right of Way Construction Permit is required for each service area within the City. The applicant will propose an area for construction, which will be reviewed by the City.
      (3)    During construction, any damage to hard surfaces requires a Right of Way Construction Permit for each individual location prior to repair. The application can be accessed through the City of Moraine's website.
      (4)    An Electrical Permit from the Building and Zoning Department may also be required. This is a separate application and process.
   (c)   Application Requirements for Right of Way Construction Permit.
      (1)    Applications for Right of Way Construction Permits shall be made using the City of Moraine's Permit Application available on the City website.
      (2)    General Requirements. The following items must be included in order for the Construction Permit Application for Utilities to be considered complete.
         A.   Applicant must provide contact information, including the name of company seeking the Permit and the name of the project manager and other support staff along with their mailing address, email address, and phone number. Applicant is responsible for providing updated contact information to the City when the contact information changes from that which was included in the Application. For the purposes of submitting an Application under this section, "Applicant" also includes any Person that, at the time of filing the Application, provides the City the Person's written authorization to perform the specific work for which an Application has been submitted.
Regulations for Placement of Communication
         B.   Construction drawings. Construction drawings must include:
            1.   Cover Sheet with project name, scope, vicinity map, contacts, project notes, date;
            2.   Drawings, to a readable and common engineering scale, showing area of construction, with adjacent areas to show perspective of work;
            3.   Detailed notes and drawings showing components and photographs.
            4.   Right-of-way, recorded easements, and property lines;
            5.   Existing utilities;
            6.   Landscape plan (if applicable);
            7.   Other information as required by the City of Moraine;
      (3)   When work is located adjacent to private property, the Applicant shall provide clear, written communication to the occupant(s) and the City of Moraine Engineering Department at least forty-eight hours prior to start of work. The document shall include the name of the utility (including phone and email) and contractor, the purpose and scope of the work, and the anticipated timeframe. The Applicant shall provide a copy of this document to the City of Moraine Engineering Department. The utility shall respond to all communications in a time that does not exceed twenty-four hours, and sooner if needed.
      (4)   During installation, the Permittee shall create as-built drawings accurately delineating location horizontally, as well as vertically (depth). Copies of as-built drawings, in GIS format, shall be provided to the City of Moraine in a pre-approved format as one condition for the release of bond.
         (Ord. 2110-22. Passed 4-14-22.)