901.01 Purpose.
901.02 Scope.
901.03 Definitions.
901.04 Rights of way administration.
901.05 Discontinuance of operations, abandoned and unused facilities.
901.06 Nature of issuance.
901.07 Other approvals, permits and agreements.
901.08 Certificate of registration applications.
901.09 Reporting requirements.
901.10 Taxes and assessments.
901.11 Oversight and regulation.
901.12 Registration term.
901.13 Indemnity.
901.14 Liquidated damages.
901.15 Termination of certificate of registration.
901.16 Unauthorized use of public rights of way.
901.17 PEG requirements for Open Video Systems.
901.18 Transfer of ownership and renewal.
901.19 Right-of-way permits.
901.20 Construction bond requirements.
901.21 Permit fees.
901.22 Pavement cuts.
901.23 Removal and relocation.
901.24 Waiver of fees.
901.25 Damage to property.
901.26 Responsibility.
901.27 Ditch, culvert obstruction on private land.
901.28 Foreclosure, insolvency or default.
901.29 Reservation of rights.
901.30 Laches/waiver.
901.31 Compliance with laws.
901.32 Acknowledgment of other authority; severability.
901.33 Captions and headings.
901.99 Penalty.
Excavation liability - see Ohio R.C. 723.49 et seq.
Digging, excavating and piling earth on streets - see Ohio R.C. 5589.10
Placing injurious material or obstruction in street - see TRAF. 311.01
Abandoned excavations - see GEN. OFF. 521.03
Sidewalk obstructions - see GEN. OFF. 521.04
Sidewalk snow and ice removal - see GEN. OFF. 521.06
Street closings - see S.U.& P.S. Ch. 902
Small cell facilities - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 907