Upon receipt of such plans, specifications and construction drawings, Council shall hold a public hearing within sixty days from the date of receipt. Notice of the public hearing shall be given by regular mail to all persons within 500 feet of the proposed multiple dwelling, and shall notify the person who submitted such plans or plat or subdivision of the date of the hearing. At such hearing, which shall be public, all persons having any interest in the subject matter may appear in person or by counsel and set forth their reasons for and against the proposal. Council shall have the right to employ experts in any areas it deems necessary in order to fully explore and make a determination. In addition to such information as is submitted to it at the public hearing, Council shall be governed by the following additional criteria:
   (a)   The recommendation of the Montgomery County Board of Health;
   (b)    The recommendation of the City Police Department;
   (c)    The recommendation of the City Fire Department;
   (d)    The recommendation of the City Building and Zoning Inspector;
   (e)    The recommendation of the City Manager;
   (f)    The recommendation of the City Engineer;
   (g)    The recommendation of the City Law Director;
   (h)    The recommendation of the Montgomery County Sanitary Department;
   (i)    The recommendation of the Board of Education which would have the responsibility for providing elementary and secondary education for the inhabitants of the multiple dwelling units;
   (j)    The recommendation of the City Parks and Recreation Board;
   (k)    The recommendation of the City Planning Commission;
   (l)    Such other recommendations as Council may deem pertinent to the subject;
   (m)    Council shall also give consideration to the provisions of the City Thoroughfare Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Code and Building Code;
   (n)    Provision for storm drainage control as the same affects the multiple dwellings, as well as the effect such development may have upon storm drainage control within the vicinity of the project;
   (o)    Preservation of scenic areas;
   (p)    Provision for open space;
   (q)    Provision for recreational facilities, with particular reference to the needs of the residents and the number of such residents;
   (r)    Council shall have the right to require the dedication of such land as its collective judgment may determine is required for existing and future use for storm drainage control, Thoroughfare Plan control, open space, park and recreation facilities, and future school sites. In making such determination, Council shall rely upon the collective judgment of the aforementioned criteria set forth herein, having regard for the existing capacity of such facilities as they now exist within the City and the burden that such additional units shall impose upon such existing facilities, and the future needs which such development will reasonably be anticipated to require, both immediately and for future planning for the orderly growth and development of the community. (Ord. 336. Passed 6-8-71.)