In addition to any other provisions of this chapter, the following provisions apply:
   (a)   Political advertising signs are permitted in all zoning districts without limitation as to location, except that no such sign may be located on the street right of way or other public lands or easements nor in any location which would create a public hazard. Political advertising signs are permitted only during the period beginning 60 days before the election in which the issue or candidate is to be voted upon and ending 5 days after such election. Political advertising signs on developed property shall not exceed 16 square feet of advertising area per face and 6 feet in height in B-2, M-1 and M-2 Districts, and 6 square feet per face and 36 inches of height in others.
   (b)   There is no limit to the number of political advertising signs that may be placed on any particular lot, so long as no more than two signs are placed for each individual candidate or, separately, each slate of candidates. No more than two signs may be placed in favor of any ballot issue or in opposition of any ballot issue. The same issue may have two signs for and against it on the same lot.
   (c)   Political signs shall not be illuminated.
   (d)   A permit is required. Such permit shall be applicable to all signs placed on any lot in the City advertising in favor of or against a particular candidate or issue. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the candidate and/or organization as to the authorized placement of political advertisement in the City.
   (e)   The applicant is responsible for the proper placement and maintenance of each sign placed in accordance with this section.
      (Ord. 1566-05. Passed 2-10-05.)