(a)    Lot Requirements.
      (1)    Minimum lot area             5,000 square feet
      (2)    Minimum lot frontage          60 feet
   (b)    Yard Requirements.
      (1)    Minimum front yard depth.
         A.    Dwellings: Same as permitted in R-4 District.
         B.    Permitted Uses:          40 feet*
      (2)    Minimum rear yard depth.
         A.    Dwellings: Same as permitted in R-4 District.
         B.    Permitted Uses:          40 feet
      (3)    Minimum side Yard width.
         A.    Dwellings: Same as permitted in R-4 District.
         B.    Permitted Uses: None required except adjoining any R-District in which case, not less than 10 feet.
   (c)    Structural Requirements.
      (1)    Maximum building height shall be forty (40) feet.
   (d)    Parking and Loading Requirements.
      (1)    See Chapter 1187 for off-street parking and loading requirements.
   (e)    Signs.
      (1)    See Chapter 1189 for size and location of permitted signs.
   (f)   Supplementary Regulations.
      (1)    All permitted businesses, services or processing shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building except for the sale of automotive fuel, lubricants and fluids at service stations and except for off-street automobile parking and loading.
      (2)    Within a major B-1 District all principal permitted buildings shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from any lot in any R District.
      (3)    In any B-1 District fronting directly across the street from any R-2 or R-3 District, the parking and loading facilities shall be distant at least twenty- five (25) feet from the established right-of-way line, and the buildings or the structures at least seventy-five (75) feet from the established right of way.
      (4)    Goods shall consist primarily of new merchandise.
      (5)    Processes and equipment employed and goods processed or sold shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas fumes, noise, vibration, refuse matter or water-carried waste.
   (g)    See Chapter 1185 for additional provisions for commercial facilities.
   (h)    Special uses shall comply with all pertinent development standards contained in Chapter 1117.
   *The front yard depth shall be measured from the established right-of-way line as shown on the Official Thoroughfare Plan.
(Ord. 1203-97. Passed 7-10-97.)