A. All stop signs placed and maintained at highway entrances to the state trunk highways by the state commissioner of highways are ratified and confirmed as being also stop devices under this title. Stop signs conforming to state manual and specifications shall be installed and maintained on the right side of each public street entrance to all of the through streets which are not state trunk highways.
B. The council may, by resolution, order stop signs installed on streets as it may deem necessary for public safety, or eliminate by resolution stop signs previously established. (Ord. 174; amd. Ord. 232; 1967 Code §61.03)
No person shall back any vehicle in or through any intersection within the city, and no person shall back any vehicle around any corner at any intersection within the city limits at any time, unless so directed by a police officer, nor shall any person back a vehicle on a street or roadway in a direction that would be against the proper flow of traffic unless so directed by a police officer. (Ord. 512, 9-4-1973)
A. Speed: All railroad trains, engines, cars and other vehicles moving on fixed rails within the city limits shall be operated at a reasonable speed and with due care.
B. Noise: No train within the limits of the city shall make any undue or unnecessary noises by the blowing of whistles or ringing of bells, and all such noises are declared to be a nuisance. (Ord. 108; amd. 1967 Code §61.16)
A. Every motor vehicle within the city shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order which blends the exhaust noise into the overall vehicle noise and is in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device upon a motor vehicle upon the streets of the city. The exhaust system shall not emit or produce a sharp popping or cracking sound nor shall it emit or produce loud or explosive noises.
B. No person shall operate a motor vehicle upon the streets of the city in violation of this section, and any person operating a motor vehicle in violation hereof shall, upon conviction, be penalized in accordance with the provisions of section 1-4-2 of this code.
C. The police department shall be authorized to impound any motor vehicle found to be in violation of this section, and shall have a lien against said motor vehicle for all impounding, towing and storing costs resulting therefrom. (Ord. 511, 8-20-1973)
A. Glass On Streets: No person shall throw or deposit upon any street any glass, nail, tack, wire, can or any other injurious substance. Any person moving a wrecked or damaged vehicle from the street shall remove any glass or other injurious substance dropped on the highway from the vehicle. (Ord. 174; amd. Ord. 232; 1967 Code §61.15)
B. Commit Offense: No person shall commit or attempt to commit, conspire to commit or aid or abet in the commission of any act declared an offense whether individually or in connection with one or more persons or as principal. No person shall falsely, fraudulently, forcibly or wilfully induce, cause, coerce, require, permit or direct another to violate any of the provisions of this title. (Ord. 174; amd. Ord. 232; 1967 Code §61.18)
C. Owner's Responsibility: No owner or other person employing or otherwise directing the driver of any vehicle shall require or knowingly permit the operation of the vehicle upon a street in any manner contrary to law. (Ord. 174; amd. Ord. 232; 1967 Code §61.19)