(A)   Findings. The Town Council finds as follows.
      (1)   Certain adult entertainment activities which are located near areas zoned for residential use, near churches, schools and near public parks, malls and similar open spaces that cater to use by family groups and children have an adverse effect on the uses of such nearby properties for such purposes aforesaid.
      (2)   Certain adult entertainment activities, because of the conditions of their operations, have contributed to an increased incident of crime and juvenile delinquency.
      (3)   Adult entertainment activities through outside displays tend to attract an undesirable quantity and quality of clientele that encourages neighboring residents and businesses to move elsewhere and militates against new residents and businesses coming into the area thereby adversely affecting property values and contributing to a general deterioration of the town’s neighborhoods.
   (B)   Declaration of public policy. The Town Council hereby declares as a matter of public policy that the regulating of adult entertainment activities within the town is a public necessity and is required in the interest of the health, safety, welfare and the economic and aesthetic well-being of the citizens of the town and all contiguous areas in which the town controls zoning, pursuant to town ordinances.
   (C)   Purpose.
      (1)   The purpose of this chapter is to effect the declaration of public policy set forth herein as it relates to the foregoing findings of the Town Council, and more particularly:
         (a)   To protect property values;
         (b)   To prevent blight and the deterioration of the town and contiguous areas neighborhoods;
         (c)   To promote a climate conducive to a return of residents and businesses to the town and contiguous areas neighborhoods;
         (d)   To enhance the quality of life in the town and contiguous areas neighborhoods;
         (e)   To preserve and stabilize the town and contiguous areas neighborhoods; and
         (f)   To decrease the incidence of crime and juvenile delinquency.
      (2)   It is not the purpose of this chapter to establish community standards on obscenity, nor to allow the establishment of adult entertainment activities which are in violation of state laws or pornography.
(Ord. 3, 1981, passed 2-17-1981)