(A)   No person owning, renting, controlling, using or occupying any building or private property in the town shall create or allow any obstruction on said private property within 25 feet of a street or road within the town limits, which obstruction creates a hazard to the operation of a motor vehicle.
   (B)   Such hazard shall be deemed to exist when an obstruction such as a hedge, fence, sign, bush, flowers and the like reach a height of more than 40 inches and obstruct or impair the vision of an operator of a vehicle being driven on said street or road. Maximum height shall be deemed as the actual height of said obstruction or the elevation from the surface of said street or road, whichever is the greater.
   (C)   Upon failure of any such person to comply with division (A) above, such person shall be notified in writing by the Town Council of such failure and shall be given ten days in which to remove said obstruction.
   (D)   If said obstruction still exists after ten days from the date of the written notice, the Street Commissioner or other authorized town employee shall be fully authorized to remove or correct said obstruction and charge the cost thereof against the owner or resident of said property. Such cost may be collected by action therefor against such owner or resident, or both, in lieu of and in addition thereto, may file and certify such charges to the assessment herein, which shall file a statement thereof with the Clerk-Treasurer, who shall place such charges upon the tax duplicate, whereupon the same shall constitute a lien upon such real estate and be charged and statements rendered therefor and be collected the same as taxes. No notice of any such charge, so assessed, shall be required, but such person so liable shall be chargeable with notice thereof, as shown by such public tax and other records.
(Ord. 15, 1968, passed 7-16-1968) Penalty, see § 91.999