   (A)   The township has been in compliance with the Metro Act from its inception on 11-1-2002 and will continue to comply with the Metro Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 484.3101 - 484.3120.
   (B)   The township, pursuant to the Metro Act, modifies any and all fees applicable to telecommunication providers’ use of the public rights-of-way to require the telecommunication providers to pay only those fees required under § 8 of the Metro Act; reserving any rights the township may have to fees due for the period ending 10-31-2002. If § 8 is found to be invalid or unconstitutional, this modification of fees is void from the date of modification.
   (C)   The township shall not hold a cable television operator in default or seek any remedy for failure to satisfy an obligation, if any, to pay after 11-1-2002, a franchise fee or other similar fee on that portion of gross revenues from charges the cable operator received for cable modem services provided through broadband internet transport access services while reserving any right the township may have to the fees due for the period ending 10-31-2002.
   (D)   The Township Clerk is directed to send a copy of this section to all telecommunication providers using the public rights-of-way within the township.
(Res. 03-07, passed 12-16-2003)
   (A)   In 1997, the voters of Genesee County approved a maximum surcharge of $2.40 to be levied per month per telephone line to pay for operation of the 911 Emergency Dispatch Center.
   (B)   $1.50 per month per telephone line is currently being levied to pay for operation of the 911 Emergency Dispatch Center.
   (C)   All of the Police and Fire Departments in Genesee County wish to improve their radio communication by way of installation of new transmission towers and radios.
   (D)   The proposed improvements are cost prohibitive to the Genesee County communities involved.
   (E)   The communities of Genesee County have instructed the 911 Executive Board to request the Genesee County Board of Directors increase the monthly surcharge to the maximum of $2.40 to help defray cost of the new communication system to the communities.
   (F)   At the regularly scheduled Montrose Township Board meeting held 10-16-2001, a quorum being present, the Board unanimously voted to support an increase of the monthly surcharge from $1.50 to $2.40 per telephone line per month to help defray the cost of the new emergency communications systems to the communities.
(Res. 01-09, passed 11-20-2001)
   Montrose Township will be applying a charge of $25 per split according to the Land Division Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 - 560.293 and Land Division Ordinance.
(Res. 99-5, passed 3-15-1999)
   Montrose Township will be applying a charge of $1,000 for the adult entertainment application and $250 for the annual renewal cost.
(Res. 99-3, passed 3-15-1999)
   (A)   In accordance with the authority vested in the Township of Montrose pursuant to Public Act 334 of 1968, § 15a(2), as amended by Public Act 109 of 1969, being M.S.A. 16.114(15a)(2), the computation of the service charge is hereby amended to read as follows.
   (B)   The amount to be paid as a service charge in lieu of taxes shall be for new construction projects the greater of, and for rehabilitation projects the lesser of:
      (1)   The tax on the property on which the project is located of the tax year prior to the date when construction or rehabilitation of the project was commenced; or
      (2)   Twenty percent of the annual shelter rents obtained from the project.
(Ord. 45, passed 2-7-1979)