   32.01   Intent and purpose
   32.02   Definitions
   32.03   Organization for emergency services
   32.04   Emergency Services Coordinator; assistants; deputies
   32.05   Supervisor; powers; duties
   32.06   Emergency Services Coordinator; powers; duties
   32.07   Volunteers; appointments; records
   32.08   Rights of township employees
   32.09   No governmental or private liability
   32.10   Federal surplus property
   32.11   Violations
   (A)   It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to establish an organization that will ensure the complete and efficient utilization of all municipal resources during periods of emergency.
   (B)   The Township of Montrose Office of Emergency Services will be the coordinating agency responsible for township-wide emergency preparedness; it will provide the means through which the Township Board and the Supervisor may exercise the authority and discharge the responsibilities vested in them by this chapter, and Emergency Management Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 30.401 - 30.421, as amended.
   (C)   This chapter will not relieve any elected officials or municipal departments of the normal responsibilities or authority given by general law or local ordinance, nor will it affect the work of the American Red Cross or other volunteer agencies organized for relief in a natural disaster.
(Ord. 77-9, passed 11-28-1977)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COORDINATOR. The responsible head of the Township of Montrose Office of Emergency Services, appointed as prescribed in this chapter.
   DISASTER. Occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property resulting from any natural or human-made cause, including, but not limited to, fire, flood, snow, ice or wind storm, wave action, oil spills, water contamination requiring emergency action to avert danger or damage, utility failure, epidemic, air contamination, blight, drought, infestation, explosion, riot, or hostile military or paramilitary action.
   EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION. A proclamation issued by the Governor that a state of emergency exists under the provision of Public Act 302 of 1945, being M.C.L.A. §§ 10.31 - 10.33.
   EMERGENCY SERVICES. A broad meaning to include preparations for, and relief from, the effects of natural and human-made disasters as defined herein, and to include civil defenses, as defined in Emergency Management Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 30.401 - 30.421, as amended.
   EMERGENCY SERVICES FORCES. The employees, equipment, and facilities of all municipal departments, boards, institutions, and commissions suitable for, or adaptable to, participation in emergency services activities as designated by the Supervisor with the approval of the Board; and, in addition, it shall include all volunteer personnel, equipment, and facilities contributed by, or obtained from, volunteer persons and agencies.
   EMERGENCY SERVICES VOLUNTEER. Any person duly registered and appointed by the Coordinator and assigned to participate in the emergency services activity.
   EMERGENCY SITUATION. Any situation confronting a community requiring emergency actions of a lesser nature than a disaster, as defined above, to include, but not limited to, civil disturbances, labor strikes, visits by national or international dignitaries, and build-up activities prior to an actual disaster.
   SUPERVISOR. The chief elected official of the Township of Montrose; and BOARD shall mean the Township Board of the Township of Montrose.
(Ord. 77-9, passed 11-28-1977)
   (A)   The Supervisor, with the approval of the Board, is hereby authorized and directed to create an organization to prepare for community disasters utilizing to the fullest extent existing agencies within the municipality. The Supervisor, as executive head of the township government, shall be the Director of the Emergency Services Forces of the township and shall be responsible for their organization, administration, and operation, working through the Coordinator.
   (B)   The organization for providing emergency services shall consist of the following:
      (1)   An Office of Emergency Services established within township government. The Office of Emergency Services shall have an administrative head appointed who will be known as the Coordinator, Office of Emergency Services. The assistants and other employees as are deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the organization will be employed; and
      (2)   The employees, equipment, and facilities of all municipal departments, boards, institutions, and commissions suitable for, or adaptable to emergency service activities may be designated as part of the total Emergency Services Forces. The designations shall be by the Supervisor with the approval of the Board.
   (C)   All officers and employees of departments, commissions, boards, institutions, and other agencies of the township government designated by the Supervisor, with the approval of the Board, as Emergency Services Forces shall cooperate with the Emergency Services Coordinator in the formulation of the Emergency Operations Plan, and they shall assist the Coordinator in all matters pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 77-9, passed 11-28-1977)