(A)   Permit and fee. It is unlawful for any person, firm, partnership or corporation, or association of such, who desires to dig into, cut, break or otherwise damage the streets, alleys, highways and thoroughfares of the city for the purpose of laying and installing any water, sewer, gas or telephone lines, mains or systems, or additions thereto, or connections to said lines, mains or systems, or additions thereto, without first procuring a permit to do so from the City Clerk, which permit fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council, and in the absence thereof shall be not less than $25.
(Prior Code, § 12.12.010)
   (B)   Cost of repairing and restoring the streets, alleys and highways. In addition to the permit fee required by this chapter, any person, firm, partnership or corporation, or association of such, who shall dig into, cut, break or damage, or whose actions cause damage to the streets, alleys, highways and thoroughfares of said city during or, if damage occurs, after the laying of any water, sewer, gas or telephone lines, mains or systems, or additions and connections thereto, or from any other cause or purpose whatsoever, shall pay to the city, or obtain a performance bond sufficient to cover the estimated cost of restoration which shall be paid or obtained prior to excavation. The cost of repair shall be set by resolution of City Council and, in the absence thereof, shall be not less than the actual cost to the city.
(Prior Code, § 12.12.020)
(Ord. 395, passed 4-5-1961) Penalty, see § 151.99