(A)   It is made the duty and responsibility of property owners within the city to see that their respective lots are kept free from weeds and other like vegetation and inflammable trash that may become a fire hazard when dry and inflammable.
   (B)   It is made the duty of the Chief of Police or the Chief of the Fire Department, whoever is designated by the Mayor to do so, to:
      (1)   Notify any property owner of the presence of weeds, dry grass or inflammable trash on his or her property; and
      (2)   Remove the same within ten days from the date of receiving said notice.
   (C)   If said property owner shall fail or refuse to comply with said order of removal, then the city may do so, and the expense of such removal by the city shall be and become a lien on such property, and the Clerk shall notify the owner thereof as to the amount of such expense and that payment of the same shall be made within ten days of such notice.
   (D)   Upon such failure or refusal of the property owner to pay such removal expense, the Clerk shall certify the amount to the County Treasurer for collection along with the other taxes assessed and to be collected against such owner’s property on which said grass, weeds or inflammable trash has been removed by the city.
(Prior Code, § 8.04.010) (Ord. 307, passed 9- -1944) Penalty, see § 92.99