   32.01   Fee schedules
   (A)   The fee schedule for the following shall be:
VIN inspections
   (B)   (1)   If a request for a police report is made and the request is for more than 100 pages of paper records; includes records from which nonpublic information must be deleted; or the actual labor associated with locating and copying documents for a request exceeds two person hours, then the following fee schedule, which represents the actual labor costs associated with locating, copying and/or duplicating the requested material, shall apply:
Actual review time necessary to comply with the requirements of Idaho Code Title 9, Chapter 3
$10 per hour
Copy costs
$0.25 per page
Costs for actual time spent to locate file/report
$10 per hour
DVD or CD duplication
Photograph duplication
$2.50 per page
Police reports (excluding motor vehicle accident reports)
      (2)   If the provisions of division (B)(1) above do not apply, then the only fee that may be charged is the actual cost of copying the documents.
      (3)   The fees provided by this section do not apply to requests for accident reports which require the production of complete, unaltered copies of an impact report, or its successors, and the final report prepared by the agency; in such instances, only the actual cost for copies may be charged.
      (4)   All fees paid pursuant to this section shall be paid to the Clerk’s office prior to receipt of the materials.
(Ord. 619, passed 4-7-2010)