(A)   Rabies vaccination. The owner or custodian of any dog or cat shall be responsible for having the animal vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian and for keeping immunization current. Vaccinations must begin when the animal has reached the age of four months. Every owner or custodian must, upon request of an animal control officer or police officer, produce proof of such vaccination(s).
   (B)   Suspected rabies; quarantine procedures.
      (1)   Any owner or custodian of any animal which shows symptoms of rabies, or which has bitten any person, shall surrender the animal for impoundment and isolation (quarantine) to a licensed veterinarian for a period of 14 days or shall securely confine the animal on his or her premises for said period of time. The choice of place of quarantine shall be at the discretion of the animal control officer or the Police Department. All costs of quarantine shall be borne by the animal owner or custodian. If an owner or custodian refuses to surrender or confine the animal, animal control officers are hereby authorized to seize the animal and transport it to a licensed veterinarian. Animal control officers or police officers are hereby authorized to immediately impound any quarantined animal found outside the quarantine area and arrange for its confinement in accordance with this section.
      (2)   If the animal has been confined by its owner or custodian, on the next working day following the 14-day quarantine, the owner or custodian shall take the animal to a licensed veterinarian for examination and to be examined and to obtain a rabies vaccination if the owner has not provided a current valid rabies vaccination certificate to the Police Department. A copy of the examination results and a current certificate of rabies vaccination must be provided to the Police Department no later than the following day.
      (3)   Failure of the owner to comply with any of these provisions shall result in the immediate impoundment of the animal, and it shall be subject to disposition in accordance with the policies of this chapter. If an animal quarantined is determined to be free of rabies, it shall be returned to the owner or custodian upon payment of all costs of confinement, examination and vaccination. If such charges are not paid, the animal shall not be returned and shall be subject to disposition in accordance with the policies and procedures of this chapter.
   (C)   Premature destruction; preservation of the head. It is unlawful for any person to kill or have killed any animal suspected of being rabid; provided, however, that an animal control officer or other law enforcement officers may kill any such animal if he or she determines that the animal is so vicious or wild that it cannot be restrained and impounded or that further pursuit would result in losing the animal, and if the animal can be killed so as not to damage the head. The head of any animal so killed must be severed from the body and sent to the Public Health Department for examination and diagnosis immediately as time is of critical importance due to the degradation of the tissue.
   (D)   Control of contagious disease. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly permit or allow any animal with a contagious or infectious disease upon the public streets, roads and way of this city; or to be within any public transportation facility or other public building or place; or to expose such animal in a public building or place whereby the health and safety of any person may be affected.
   (E)   Impoundment by property owner.
      (1)   Any person finding an animal at large upon his or her property may impound that animal and shall immediately notify the Sheriff’s dispatch personnel that he or she is holding the animal in his or her own possession and provide a description of the animal and the name of the animal owner, if known. The dispatch should notify a police officer or an animal control officer to impound the animal at the first reasonable opportunity to do so.
      (2)   If the name of the owner or custodian is known or can be easily obtained, the officer may return the animal to the residential address of the owner. If there is no one present, the officer may impound the animal and shall leave written notice at the residence of the person or place to contact to reclaim the animal. The animal control officer shall then attempt to make arrangements for the dog’s confinement.
   (F)   Impoundment by officers. In addition to any other remedies provided in this chapter, animal control officers and police officers are authorized to impound and confine any of the following animals:
      (1)   Any dog without a valid license tag;
      (2)   Any animal at large;
      (3)   Any animal that is in violation of any quarantine or confinement order;
      (4)   Any unattended animal that is ill, injured or otherwise in need of care. Upon determination by any police officer or veterinarian that the injury or illness is untreatable, the animal may be euthanized by the officer or veterinarian without regard to the waiting period set out in § 90.05. Costs of medical care or euthanasia shall be borne by the owner or custodian;
      (5)   Any animal that is reasonably believed to have been abused or neglected;
      (6)   Any animal that is reasonably suspected of having rabies;
      (7)   Any animal that is reasonably believed to be dangerous or a threat to public health and safety;
      (8)   Any animal that a court of competent jurisdiction has ordered impounded or destroyed; and
      (9)   Any animal that is considered unattended or abandoned, e.g., due to the owner’s death, arrest or eviction from his or her residence, and there is no sign of care for the animal.
(Ord. 602, passed 4-2-2008; Ord. 651, passed 6-3-2015) Penalty, see § 90.99