(A)   Special use permit required. It is unlawful to own, keep or harbor a reptile, bird or other animal which is poisonous or dangerous to the health or welfare of the residents of the city within the city without first applying for and being granted a special use permit by the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 6.04.010)
   (B)   Application. Application for a special use permit for the owning, keeping or harboring of a poisonous or dangerous reptile, bird or animal shall be made to the City Council on the form attached to the ordinance codified in this section and made a part hereof by reference as though set out in full. Applicant shall also publish legal notice for two consecutive weeks of a hearing before the City Council on the intended owning, keeping and harboring of a specific reptile, bird or animal.
(Prior Code, § 6.04.020)
   (C)   Approval or denial. Following the public hearing referred to in division (B) above, the City Council may approve or deny the application. In the event the application is approved, the City Council may issue the same with any and all restrictions deemed reasonable and prudent by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 6.04.030)
(Ord. 487, passed 9-23-1980) Penalty, see § 90.99