(A)   Purpose. The regulation of loading spaces in these zoning regulations is to alleviate or prevent congestion of the public right-of-way and so to promote the safety and general welfare of the public by establishing minimum requirements for off-street loading and unloading from motor vehicles in accordance with the utilization of various parcels of land or structures.
   (B)   Location.
      (1)   All required loading berths shall be off-street and located on the same lot as the building or use to be served.
      (2)   The location of required loading births shall be such that circulation occurs within the designated site or property and does not depend upon a public street or alley.
      (3)   All loading berth curb cuts shall be located at a minimum 50 feet from the intersection of two or more street rights-of-way. This distance shall be measured from the property line.
      (4)   No loading berth shall be located closer than 50 feet from a residential district unless within a structure.
      (5)   Loading berths shall not occupy the front yard setbacks.
      (6)   Loading berths located at the front or at the side of buildings on a corner lot shall only be permitted if the following conditions can be met:
         (a)   Loading berths shall not conflict with pedestrian movement.
         (b)   Loading berths shall not obstruct the view of the public right-of-way from off-street parking access.
         (c)   Loading berths shall comply with all other requirements of § 153.067.
         (d)   All screening requirements of § 153.060(I) are met.
      (7)   Each loading berth shall be located with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or public alley in a manner which will cause the least interference with traffic.
   (C)   Surfacing. All loading berths and accessways shall be improved with not less than six-inch class five base and two-inch bituminous surfacing to control the dust and drainage according to a plan submitted to and subject to the approval of the Community Development Department.
   (D)   Accessory use, parking and storage. Any space allocated as a required loading berth or access drive so as to comply with the terms of these zoning regulations shall not be used for the storage of goods, inoperable vehicles, or snow shall not be included as part of the space requirements to meet the off-street area.
   (E)   Screening. All loading areas shall be screened and landscaped in compliance with § 153.060(I), of this chapter.
   (F)   Size. Unless otherwise specified in these zoning regulations, the first loading berth shall be not less than 55 feet in length, and all loading berths shall be not less than 30 feet in length. All loading berths shall be not less than ten feet in width and 14 feet in height, exclusive of aisle and maneuvering space.
   (G)   Number of loading berths required. The number of required off-street loading berths shall be as follows:
      (1)   Manufacturing, fabrication, processing, warehousing, storing, retail sales, schools and hotels. For such a building 5,000 to 100,000 square feet of floor area, one loading 55 feet in length and one additional berth for each additional 100,000 square feet or fraction thereof, plus one berth 30 feet in length for each 35,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
      (2)   Auditorium, convention hall, exhibition hall, sports arena or stadium. Ten thousand to 100,000 square feet of floor area, one loading berth; for each additional 100,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof, one additional loading berth.