(A) No organization shall conduct lawful gambling excluded or exempted from state licensure requirements by M.S. § 349.166, as it may be amended from time to time, without a valid local permit. This section shall not apply to lawful gambling exempted from local regulation by § 131.05.
(B) Applications for issuance of a local permit shall be on a form prescribed by the city.
(C) The fee for a local permit shall be $25 or as otherwise set by the City Council in its annual fee ordinance. The fee shall be submitted with the application for a local permit. This fee shall be refunded if the application is withdrawn before the investigation is commenced.
(D) Upon receipt of an application for issuance of a local permit, the City Clerk shall review the application and may direct the conduct of a background investigation.
(E) The City Council may deny an application for issuance of a local permit for any of the following reasons specified in § 131.09(G).
(Prior Code, § 3-12-10) Penalty, see § 131.99
(A) A local permit may be revoked or temporarily suspended for a violation by the gambling organization of any state statute, state rule, or city ordinance relating to gambling.
(B) A license shall not be revoked or suspended until written notice and an opportunity for a hearing have first been given to the permitted person.
(Prior Code, § 3-12-11)
Each organization licensed to conduct gambling within the city shall expend 75% or more of its lawful purpose expenditures on lawful purposes conducted within the city’s trade area. This section applies only to lawful purpose expenditures of gross profits derived from gambling conducted at a premise within the city’s jurisdiction.
(Prior Code, § 3-12-14)
Organizations conducting lawful gambling shall file with the office of the City Clerk one copy of all records and reports required to be filed with the Board, pursuant to M.S. Ch. 349, as it may be amended from time to time, and rules adopted pursuant thereto, as they may be amended from time to time. The records and reports shall be filed on or before the day they are required to be filed with the Board. Organizations licensed by the Board shall file a report with the city proving compliance with the trade area spending requirements imposed by § 131.14. The report shall be provided in a manner prescribed by the city and shall be submitted annually.
(Prior Code, § 3-12-15)
Lawful gambling shall not be conducted between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on any day of the week and shall be consistent with hours of operation at the business where gambling is being conducted.
(Prior Code, § 3-12-16) Penalty, see § 131.99