(A) Orders establishing fire lanes. The Fire Department is hereby authorized to order the establishment of fire lanes on public or private property as may be necessary in order that the travel of fire equipment may not be interfered with and that access to fire hydrants or buildings may not be obstructed.
(B) Signs and markings of fire lanes. When a fire lane has been ordered to be established pursuant to this section, it shall be marked by a sign bearing the words “No Parking - Fire Lane - By Order of the Fire Department”. When the fire lane is on public property or a public right-of-way, the sign or signs shall be erected by the city; and when on private property, they shall be erected by owner at his or her own expense within 30 days after he or she has been notified of the order.
(C) Parking or otherwise obstructing prohibited. After a sign or signs have been erected in accordance with division (B) above, no person shall park a vehicle or otherwise occupy or obstruct the fire lane.
(Prior Code, § 5-2-1) Penalty, see § 95.99
(A) Interference with fire service duties. No unauthorized persons shall ride upon, race with, trail, or follow within 500 feet of any apparatus belonging to the Fire Department when the apparatus is responding to an emergency call.
(B) Protection of fire hoses. No person shall drive any vehicle over a fire hose except upon specific orders from a member of the Fire Department of this municipality, and then only with due caution.
(C) Parking near fire equipment. No person shall park any vehicle or place any material or other obstruction within ten feet of any fire hydrant or fire reservoir, nor shall any person enter any block or park any vehicle within 300 feet of a place where a fire is in progress which requires equipment from the Fire Department to be present.
(D) False fire alarm. No person shall sound a false fire alarm knowing the alarm to be false.
(E) Authorized use of fire equipment. No person shall use any fire apparatus or equipment for any reason except as may be prescribed by the Fire Chief or his or her delegated representatives.
(Prior Code, § 5-2-2) Penalty, see § 95.99
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Grass clippings, leaves, twigs, sticks, and branches, but not the main trunk nor primary limbs of trees, and the non-harvested parts of garden plants.
The burning of any matter whereby the resultant combustion products are emitted directly to the atmosphere without passing through an adequate stack, duct, or chimney.
As used herein, the following words shall have the meanings defined herein.
(Prior Code, § 5-4-1)
(A) No person shall cause, allow, or permit any burning in the city except as may hereinafter be allowed.
(B) Open burning may be conducted if an open burning permit is obtained pursuant to the requirements of this subchapter and other regulations of local, state, and federal agencies.
(Prior Code, § 5-4-2) Penalty, see § 95.99
(A) Application. Application for open burning permits may be made in cases where fires are proposed to be set for the following purposes:
(1) Bona fide instruction and training of fire fighting personnel and for the testing of fire extinguishing equipment;
(2) Elimination of fire of health hazards which cannot be abated by any other practicable means;
(3) Activities in accordance with accepted forest or game management;
(4) Ground thawing for utility repair and construction; and/or
(5) The required maintenance and management of designated prairie grass areas.
(B) Restrictions. A burning permit shall be issued on a prescribed form to the applicant if the burning is for one of the purposes set forth in division (A) above and the applicant agrees that all burning shall be conducted under the following circumstances.
(1) The prevailing wind at the time of the burning shall be away for nearby residences.
(2) The burning shall be conducted as far away as practical from any highway or public road and controlled so that a traffic hazard is not created.
(3) The burning may not be conducted during the duration of an air pollution alert, warning, or emergency.
(4) The recipient of the permit or his or her authorized representative shall be present for the duration of any fire authorized by the permit.
(5) Prior notice shall be given to the local Department of Natural Resources Forest Officer, local Fire Marshal, or local Fire Chief of the time and location of any fire authorized by the permit.
(6) Open burning for ground thawing shall be conducted in accordance with the following additional restrictions.
(a) Fuels and starting materials shall be of a kind which do not generate appreciable smoke.
(b) Propane gas thawing torches or other devices causing minimal pollution shall be used when practicable.
(7) Open burning of materials permitted in division (A)(5) above shall be conducted in accordance with the following additional restrictions.
(a) The location of the burning shall not be within 600 feet of an occupied residence other than those located on the property on which the burning is conducted. The distance can be reduced when the burn is performed by or with the assistance of the Fire Department.
(b) Oils, rubber, and other similar smoke producing materials shall not be burned or used as starting materials.
(c) The burning shall not be conducted within one mile of any airport or landing strip unless approved by the Fire Chief.
(8) The following persons are authorized to accept application and issue open burning permits:
(a) Zoning Administrator;
(b) Building Official; and
(c) Fire Chief.
(Prior Code, § 5-4-3) (Ord. 373, passed 4-22-2002)
(A) Any permit application submitted shall be denied if:
(1) A reasonable, practical alternative method of disposal of the material is available; or
(2) A nuisance condition would result from the burning.
(B) Any permit is subject to revocation at the discretion of a Department of Natural Resources Forest Officer, the local Fire Marshal, or Fire Chief, or the permit issuer if:
(1) A reasonable practical method of disposal of the material is found;
(2) A fire hazard exists or develops during the course of the burning; or
(3) Any of the conditions of the permit are violated.
(Prior Code, § 5-4-4)