On or before November 30, the City Clerk shall transmit a certified duplicate of the assessment roll so adopted to the County Auditor of the county in which any parcel of land subject to the lien is situated, setting forth the amount of the assessment, together with interest computed to the first Monday in January of the succeeding calendar year.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-10)
The owner or occupant of every building or tract of land within the city fronting upon any street having a sidewalk abutting upon such premises shall clear the sidewalk of snow within 48 hours following the termination of any snowfall of two inches or more or control the formation of ice from any cause. If the snow is not removed or ice is not controlled by the owner or occupant within the time specified herein, the same shall be removed or controlled under the direction of the Public Works Director and the city shall be reimbursed for the expense of the removal by the property owner within 30 days per the current city fee schedule. If payment is not received by the due date, the costs shall be levied against the property owner as a special assessment and collected as in the case of other special assessments.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-11) (Ord. 153, passed 4-13-1987; Ord. 492, passed 1-12-2009; Ord. 507, passed 1-11-2010)
It is the purpose of this subchapter to protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the city by regulating the planting and maintenance of trees in order to protect trees and to prevent and abate hazardous and nuisance conditions within the city.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-1)
It is lawful to plant only highly disease resistant species within the city limits with the approval of the City Forester.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-2) (Ord. 29, passed 5-9-1977; Ord. 495, passed 1-26-2009; Ord. 661, passed 2-13-2017) Penalty, see § 92.99
The city may order the trimming, treatment, or removal of trees or plants upon public or private property when they shall determine that the action is necessary to the public safety or necessary to prevent the spread of disease or of insects harmful to trees and shrubs.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-3)
(A) Approval required. No tree shall be planted or placed on public property or right-of-way without the approval of the City Forester.
(B) Permits.
(1) No person shall plant or remove trees or shrubs in public places without first filling out an application and obtaining a permit from the city.
(2) The following provisions apply to the issuance of permits where required for planting in public places.
(a) Application data. The application required herein shall state the number of trees or plants to be planted or set out, the location, and specific name of each tree or plant.
(b) Standards for issuance. A permit shall be issued if it is found that the proposed plantings will be in the best interest of the community.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-4) (Ord. 661, passed 2-13-2017) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) In new subdivisions, on lots with frontage on a single right-of-way, it is required that two trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. For lots with frontage on more than one right-of-way, it is required that four trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. Two trees must be planted in the boulevard adjoining each yard having street frontage.
(B) In subdivision plantings, not less than two or more than three species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than 20% nor more than 50% of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. Only trees listed in § 92.46 shall be planted.
(C) Required trees shall be planted in the boulevard at a location ranging from four feet to ten feet from the curb. Precise location within this range to be determined by the city.
(D) Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter of at least two inches at one foot above the ground.
(E) Required subdivision trees must be protected and supported by tree guards of approved type.
(F) No required subdivision tree shall be planted in soil too poor to ensure the growth of the tree unless 27 cubic feet (three feet x three feet x three feet) of soil is removed and replaced with suitable loam.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-5) (Ord. 267, passed 3-27-1995; Ord. 287, passed 3-24-1997)